现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
PeakyTube JS - Custom designed mobile YouTube layout for V3
YouTube Drop Quality Settings For Shorts JS - I usually listen music on YT in 144p to preserve traffic. But when I'm switching to Shorts I'm unable to change quality settings (in desktop Chrome). This script clears quality setting
YouTube Restart Video Button JS - Добавляет кнопку для возврата видео на начало.
Youtube Music auto dismiss liked song notification JS - Automatically dismiss the liked song notification after some seconds
YouTube Best Parts Looper JS - An attempt to implement loop for specified parts of YouTube videos. Doesn't work for background tabs.
YouTube 剩余时间显示 JS - 根据倍速调整。Display the remaining time of a YouTube video adjusted for playback rate.
YouTube Multi Unsubscribe with Buttons and Checkboxes JS - Add checkboxes and individual Unsubscribe buttons to YouTube channels for easy bulk and single-channel unsubscribing
YouTube Universal Progress Tracker JS - High-performance progress tracking for YouTube with minimal performance impact
Fix Youtube thumbnail padding for real JS - Force YouTube to show 6 videos per row and fix padding
YouTube Auto 1080p60 JS - Automatically set YouTube video and livestream quality to 1080p60 or fallback to the highest available resolution, avoiding Enhanced Bitrate options.
DYSN (Disable YouTube Shorts Notifications) JS - Empêche les notifications pour les vidéos "Shorts" sur YouTube
YouTube Safari iOS PiP Block Unblocker JS - Unblocks the block of Picture-in-Picture mode for m.youtube.com on Safari iOS. Works as of 2025-01-31.
Audio Tab Title JS - Change the window title on YouTube based on the channel name and video title, and append the website name on Spotify and SoundCloud pages.
YouTube Mobile Autoplay (Firefox Android) JS - Simulate a click on the play button because m.youtube.com on Firefox for Android does not automatically play videos on page-load. Be sure to have Autoplay for Video and Audio enabled in the Browsersettings.
YouTube Mobile Background Playback (Firefox Android) JS - Enable YouTube background playback in Firefox for Android
YouTube 新标签页打开 JS - 功能:1.新标签页打开视频 2.屏蔽首页Shorts 3.屏蔽首页精选 4.主页内容刷新 5.非主页自动关闭 (所有功能可在右下角设置)
Copia transcrição do Youtube JS - Copia a transcrição de vídeos do YouTube para a área de transferência com botão posicionado acima do vídeo.
Open_Genius_For_YoutubeMusic JS - // @description Automatically opens Genius page according to your present Youtube tab dynamically while the mapping is stored on Github: www.github.com/188751671/Open_Genius_For_YoutubeMusic. And adjusts the Genius layout and adds a dark mode toggle for Genius.
左手单手调视频进度 JS - 模拟方向键原生行为(支持长按),左手即可完成进度调整
YouTube自动展开&翻译评论 JS - 自动展开并翻译YouTube评论区回复
YouTube Layout Enhancer & Search Focus JS - Melhora o layout do YouTube, organiza conteúdo e filtra resultados de pesquisa
Youtube Premium Logo JS - Logo Changer For Youtube To Premium Logo
视频5minutes回顾提醒(跨平台版Bilibili➕Youtube) JS - 每5分钟暂停视频并提醒回顾内容(支持B站和YouTube)
Кнопка копирования для YouTube, ВКонтакте, vkvideo.ru и Rutube JS - Добавляет кнопку для копирования текста с названием видео на YouTube, ВКонтакте, vkvideo.ru и Rutube
YouTube - Remove Specific Elements and Style Fixes JS - Remove elements and ensure sharp edges on YouTube overlays
YouTube Video Notes JS - Adds a note-taking feature on YouTube videos, storing notes per video using localStorage and Tampermonkey storage.
Hide the next video button that is not a playlist JS - https://www.reddit.com/r/userscripts/comments/1ik0gx2/how_to_hide_youtube_suggestedrecommended_video/
YouTube Classic UI Restorer (Trusted Types Safe) JS - Reverts YouTube UI to classic layout with security compliance
Youtube Disable Paid Promotion Button JS - Prevents the user from accidentally clicking on the "Includes Paid Promotion" button that appears when hovering over a thumbnail. Simply makes that button clickthrough via CSS.
YouTube Toggle Description Button and collapse on empty space click JS - Displays a "Toggle Description" button to the right. Also, when the description is expanded, clicking on an empty part of the description will collapse it.
LTT FP Exclusive videos on youtube JS - Shows LTT floatplane exclusive videos on youtube feed
YouTube Ultimate Enhancer JS - Melhora a pesquisa, layout e funcionalidades do YouTube.
YouTube Split JS - Устанавливает сплит по времени, выводит панель управления в clarify-box и, при достижении порога, показывает оверлей "СПЛИТ НЕ ОПЛАЧЕН" с кнопкой продления (+ 1 минута)
YT LIVE CHAT NEW TAB BUTTON JS - Adds a live chat button that opens chat in new window
Old YouTube Studio Restorer (Pre-Jun 2021) JS - Restores YouTube Studio's Material 2 UI before the Jun 2021 overhaul
YouTube Shorts Linkify JS - Converts URLs into clickable links on YouTube Shorts.
YouTube Current Time Copier JS - Copy current timestamp on click with smooth feedback
YouTube Transparent Header JS - Makes YouTube's top navigation bar and search bar semi-transparent
Youtubeツールパネル(モバイル用) JS - Execute UserScript
YouTube Redirect to Rick Roll or Skibidi Toilet JS - Redirects YouTube to Rick Roll or Skibidi Toilet if no key is pressed when YouTube opens.
YT Speed Controller JS - Lightweight speed control for YouTube with persistence
YouTube Auto-Resume JS - This script automatically tracks and restores your YouTube playback position. This user script remembers where you left off in any video—allowing you to seamlessly continue watching even after navigating away or reloading the page. It saves your progress for each video for up to 3 days (configurable) and automatically cleans up outdated entries, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted viewing experience every time.
Reliable Keys for YouTube Player JS - Removes the tabindex attribute from the YouTube player's controls, so that left/right keys always perform seeking and up/down keys always perform volume adjustments.
CustomYTSpeed JS - Allows the user to set a custom playback speed on YouTube.com videos
Enhanced YouTube Userscript with Themes, Decorations, Button Animations, and Timer JS - Adds multiple features including ad skipping, mute toggle, captions toggle, playback speed control, and more with a moveable and fixed GUI for YouTube. Includes notifications for feature toggles, theme decorations, button animations, and a video timer. Press Shift + S to hide/show the menu.
YouTube - Non-Rounded Design (Fix) + Other Improvements. JS - This script disables YouTube's new rounded corners (reverts back to the previous layout from 2021.)
YouTube Hide UI on Arrow Keys, Show on Mouse Move JS - Prevent the YouTube UI from appearing when using arrow keys, but make it visible on mouse movement (automatically detects all .ytp- elements)
YouTube Unlimited Speed Changer JS - Increase or decrease speed using [ and ], without limit in increments of 0.5
YouTube Preview Unmute JS - This script automatically unmutes the video previews on the YouTube homepage when you hover over them.
YouTube Hide Buttons JS - Hides some YouTube Buttons
Copy YouTube Transcript 3 JS - Add a button to copy YouTube transcript to clipboard. Cần thêm điều kiện chỉ add nút ở trang phát video, thêm điều kiện đợi load transcript (nếu bấm được show thì đợi load), cần thêm điều kiện thoát khỏi lặp nếu như không tìm thấy transcript
YT-DimBotComments JS - Dim YouTube comments from suspected bot accounts
YouTube Enhancer (Monetization Checker) JS - Check the Monetization Status.
Copy YouTube Channel Video Info (Simplest) JS - Copy video titles, dates, and views - simplest version.
Lokacijske usluge JS - Lokacijske usluge,Lokacijske usluge
Youtube Middle Click Search (Updated) JS - Middle clicking the YouTube search or suggestions opens results in a new tab
YouTube Link Fixer JS - Remove YouTube redirections and show full links in descriptions.
低視聴回数動画の非表示 JS - YouTubeにて再生回数が少ない動画を非表示にします。
YouTube focus player JS - YouTube focus player when an arrow key is pressed(exclude"textarea")
YT 彈幕 JS - 在直播串流時將聊天室的訊息轉換成彈幕發送
YouTube 一键截图 JS - 按 S 键截图
Monke JS - Monke see monke drive.
Extend youtube player styles (Background, Borders) JS - Makes youtube player round and hides black background
YouTube Auto-Liker Button ( multilang support ) JS - Vytvoří tlačítko které po aktivaci automaticky lajkuje komentáře na YouTube
YouTube Simplificator JS - Simplificates the youtube interface for a better user experience
YouTube Transcript Copier JS - Adds a styled button to copy the YouTube video transcript, with a timestamp toggle
Youtube actual video time, time left JS - Youtube actual video time, time left on fullscreen
YTMusic Audio Device Selector JS - 2/23/2025, 11:35:22 AM
Restore YouTube Right-Click Menu JS - Removes YouTube's custom right-click menu and restores the default browser menu.
YouTube Porn and Brainrot Blocker (BETA) JS - Bloquea contenido NSFW en YouTube basado en palabras clave y canales específicos.
YouTube URL Cleaner JS - Clean YouTube URLs to only keep the video ID when Shift + Left Click is used and show a popup
::YouTube Gameplay Skipper:: JS - Force skip 2 minutes for videos containing the words "gameplay", "longplay" or "no commentary" in the title.
Watch later: Better remove watched JS - Delete videos that you watch 90 or more percent (with mobile support)
YouTube Channel Auto-Redirect to Videos Section JS - Automatically redirects from a YouTube channel's home page to its videos section
youtube redirect to sub feed JS - Redirects youtube.com base site to the subscription feed
Auto-Confirmar "¿Sigues ahí?" en YouTube JS - Detecta y cierra el mensaje de pausa automática en YouTube para continuar la reproducción del video.
YouTube Transcript search JS - Adds a search input box on top of the YouTube transcript. Press enter on it to only show lines containing the inputted search term.
YouTube Grid Auto-Scroll & Search (Ultra Optimized - Instant) - jQuery & Background - On Demand JS - Automatically scrolls to matching video titles on YouTube, highlighting all matches. Search box, search/stop, next/previous buttons, animated border, no results message. Uses jQuery. Works in background tabs. Only searches when the Search button is clicked.
YouTube Timestamp Tool by Vat5aL JS - Enhanced timestamp tool for YouTube videos
youtube twitch BIG emote preview JS - bigger emote preview
Stop YouTube scrolling JS - Stops YouTube autoscrolling when pressing on the bottom bar (video chapters)
Show YouTube comments while watching 2025 JS - Moves comments to the right side and adds a button to toggle between comments and recommended videos
Hide YouTube Info Panel JS - Hides the blue info panel below (certain) YouTube videos
YouTube no shorts player JS - Redirects YouTube shorts videos to proper YouTube player.
YouTube Dual Subtitles for French, German, Russian, Ukrainian JS - Add dual subtitles to YouTube videos
tv.youtube.com - Black Mode CSS - Black Theme for Youtube TV
YouTube Subscriptions Only JS - Removes Home and Shorts buttons, hides Shorts content, and redirects to Subscriptions feed
Auto Logout Google JS - Automatically logout from Google accounts when visiting Google websites.
YOUTUBE: hide low views videos (less than 100k views) (customizable) JS - hide videos less than 100k views
YouTube 关键词屏蔽(智能转换) JS - 可自定义屏蔽包含指定关键词的视频、评论和相关视频。智能区分大小写、简繁体,比如输入apple同时屏蔽Apple,输入鼠标同时屏蔽滑鼠,输入台湾同时屏蔽台灣。 YouTube Keyword Blocker,Videos, comments and related videos containing specified keywords can be customized to be blocked. Intelligent case-sensitive, simplified and traditional Chinese, for example, typing apple will block Apple.
YouTube 移除已看视频 JS - 给点没看过的叭。从推荐列表中删除已观看的视频,搜索结果可见并标记。YouTube Watched Video Remover.
YouTube - Limit Subtitle Languages JS - Restrict YouTube subtitle language menu to only the target language.
YouTube Link Saver JS - Save YouTube links with persistent storage
Lite代理软件指引 JS - 一款专注于简单轻量的代理软件。
YouTube Autoplay Stopper For IOS JS - Prevents YouTube videos from autoplaying and allows manual playback control.
YouTube Shorts Auto Closer JS - Automatically closes YouTube Shorts pages after daily limit
remove Youtube clickbait by uday JS - Replaces YouTube thumbnails with random frames from the videos
YouTube Auto Loop JS - Force loop YouTube videos
Braveに切り替え JS - Execute UserScript