YT Speed Controller
A lightweight keyboard control system for YouTube video speed. No more clicking through menus - just use quick keyboard shortcuts to control your video speed!
🎯 Features
• Quick keyboard shortcuts:
to speed up video
to slow down video
to reset to normal speed (1x)
• Current speed display in video player
• Speed settings persist between videos
• Works instantly - no setup needed
• Super lightweight - won't slow down YouTube
• Shows a handy guide first time you use it
🔧 How It Works
- The script adds a small speed display next to your video time
- Use the keyboard shortcuts to change speed anytime
- Your preferred speed sticks around even after refreshing
- A quick guide pops up the first time to show you the controls
💡 Tips
• Works best with video focused (click video first)
• Speed changes in 0.1x increments
• Maximum speed: 16x
• Minimum speed: 0.1x
• Speed display only shows when not at 1x
⚠️ Notes
• Not affiliated with YouTube/Google
• May need updates if YouTube changes their player
• Please report any bugs in the feedback section
• Suggestions for improvements are welcome!
🔄 Version History
- Improved performance
- Added session persistence
- Fixed memory usage issues
- Initial release
- Basic speed control functionality
- Speed display implementation
📝 License
MIT License - Feel free to modify and share!
Made with care for fellow YouTube users. Enjoy! 🎉
youtube #speed #control #userscript #playback