Neon's bonkery mod

neon's bonkery mod or nbbm waddahell (Fix)

< 脚本Neon's bonkery mod的反馈



how do you PM, Chat GPT, Jukebox, Link Desc, and Translate?


For chat gpt, you first need an API KEY, to get one you need to create an account for openai, and go to your account settings where you can generate an api key, so you use alt+p to insert it in and alt+g to enable chat gpt, by using the command "gq: " you can ask anything to gpt, but since you can use commands like !help, and every nbm user will respond to it i have enabled it only for when you are the host to avoid spam, now jukebox, you need an youtube link, or get one with the /search command, you use /jukebox [URL] or paste the url in the chat and click "play", for pms, you can either use /pmusers to check on the pmable users (like bcmd or nbm users) and click on their name, for link desc you can send any link in the chat and hover your mouse above it, for translate, you can either use /translate [from] [to] [text], /talklike [language] or /translateto [language].

