Neon's white list JS - A Mod to extend room hosting functionality.
Bonk kitten JS - Adds an cat which wanders around your screen and sometimes tries to make you die
Neon's bonk.io bonkery mod JS - neon's bonk.io bonkery mod or nbbm waddahell (Fix)
Death Logger JS - if you die you unlog instantly (from your account (Only for quickplay!))
Skin Nuzlocke JS - everytime you die, your skin changes, if you run out of skins, you log out (from your account (Only for quickplay!))
Neon's Hitbox mod JS - A Mod menu for hitbox.io. press shift+a to open the menu or click the white square on the corner.
Hitbox Room List Search JS - A Mod for room list filters.
Neon's custom editor JS - A Mod to extend editor functionality.
Hitbox Anti Blackscreen JS - Removes blackscreen, tell me if it doesn't work.
Player Profile JS - ltitle profile on the menu, i'm making a bigger script based on this.
minitoon dark mode? JS - gays make more minitoon scripts :c
[TAS] Speedrun Tools JS - A Mod for hitbox.io. type /help for help.
Minitoon editor+ JS - Adds some features to the editor.