DH3 Tools One Click JS - Open Anwinity's DH3 Tools and load data automatically. This works by passing a url parameter with all of your stats and tool information.
DH3 Named Presets JS - Name your combat presets for easy identification in combat.
DH3 Brighter Kills JS - Just makes the "xx kills" text in monster log actually legible.
DH3 Slap Chop JS - One-Click eat-all and cook-all buttons for fish and food.
DH3 HUD JS - Highly customizable heads up display for DH3
DH3 Tick Pulse JS - Pulses each tick to aid in counting various things (e.g. shark bite).
DH3 Audio Alerts JS - Trigger audible alerts based on dh3 variables.
DH3 Super Duper Preset Switcher JS - Adds the ability to switch to ALL of your presets in combat.
DH3 FP Notification JS - Adds fight points notification
DH3 Friend/Ignore List Upsidedownifier JS - Puts the add/cancel buttons in friends and ignore list at the top so you don't have to scroll so much.
DH3 Combat Shortcut Improvement JS - Adds some things (like castle) to the new combat shortcut dialogue.
DH3 SellFix JS - Allows you to sell items if you are experiencing the bug that doesn't let you.
IdlePixel UI Tweaks JS - Adds some options to change details about the IdlePixel user interface.
IdlePixel Var Viewer JS - Easily view all game variables in a table.
IdlePixel Quick Fight Buttons JS - DEPRECATED - Added to SlapChop plugin
IdlePixel Chance2Hit JS - Adds chance-to-hit indicators in combat.
IdlePixel Slap Chop JS - Ain't nobody got time for that! Adds some QoL 1-click actions.
IdlePixel Chat Emojis JS - Adds emoji search to chat.
IdlePixel Private Messages JS - Adds /m command for private messages. Note that this does not use the /pm command because smitty will (presumably) add that eventually.
IdlePixel Market Overhaul JS - Overhaul of market UI and functionality.
IdlePixel Chat Links JS - Make links great again.
IdlePixel Item Hider JS - Hide yo wife, hide yo kids, hide yo itemboxes
IdlePixel Keybinds JS - Adds customizable keybinds for panel switching and casting spells in combat.
IdlePixel Tick Pulse JS - Adds a little circle that pulses each combat tick.
ThiccGPT JS - Very simple. Just makes the ChatGPT chat interface wider so you can actually see stuff. Especially useful for code blocks.
IdlePixel Breeding Overhaul JS - Redesigned breeding UI and QoL features.
IdlePixel Card Game JS - A playable card game for your IdlePixel cards.
IdlePixel Quick Fight Go Brrrrr JS - Adds space hotkey for "Collect Loot & Fight Again" button when quick fighting.
IdlePixel+ JS (函式庫) - Idle-Pixel plugin framework