DF Bookmarks JS - Tool to let you navigate easier through DF
Scroll Up JS - Tool to let you scroll to the top/bottom of the page
Trade with friends JS - Tool to let you trade easier with your friends
Show profiler in profile JS - Tool to go to the profiler of a user from that user's profile
Show Profiler in forum JS - Tool to go to the profiler of a user from that user's comments in the forum
Max Screen JS - Max DF Screen Size
Dashboard forum JS - Beautify that forum
Reduce borders JS - Reduce those unnecessary large borders
Remove scroll up JS - Remove the auto scroll up when clicking the CB or Music links
Deposit/Withdraw JS - Deposit/Withdraw from the bank
Deposit/Withdraw Market version JS - Deposit/Withdraw from the bank (cough, market)
Show total and stats of kills JS - blabla
Go to read JS - Because I don't want to read scripts
Scroll to bookmarks by RightDeadFred JS - Scroll down a bit to see the outpost screen better
Deep sky blue JS - Adds new option to wrap in Deep sky blue
Ez creds JS - try to take over the world!
Remove Youtube's popup JS - Script to remove the popup that randomly shows when watching videos in their site
Download youtube videos as MP3 JS - Adds a button to download the Youtube video you are watching
Reload images Mangadex JS - Reload images that failed to load
Larger previews JS - Larger image previews
Preview boss area JS - Preview the area of a boss in the bossmap
Append Script JS (函式庫) - Easier way to write scripts as dom
MD5 Hash JS (函式庫) - MD5 hashing framework
Bank Requester JS (函式庫) - Helper to withdraw/deposit
Load external script JS (函式庫) - Tool to let you load external scripts
Market requester JS (函式庫) - Market Framework
Inventory requester JS (函式庫) - Inventory framework
Common Framework JS (函式庫) - Framework to be used by most DF requesters/scripts