Mazean King JS - Basic Player ESP
Kour KP Script JS - Unlimited 1500 KP Daily Rewards
Repuls.io King JS - Player ESP, WireFrame
New York Times - Paywall & Regiwall Bypass JS - Simple script to bypass the paywall and regiwall on New York Times via hooking fetch
Bloomberg - Paywall Bypass JS - Simple script to bypass the paywall on Bloomberg
Narrow.one King JS - Player ESP
Sudoku King JS - Cheat for Sodoku.com
Cryzen.io King JS - Free ad-rewards, player ESP, anti recoil
EV.io King JS - Player ESP, Wireframe
scientificamerican.com Paywall Bypass JS - Hooks react on scientificamerican.com to bypass paywalls :D
The Washington Post - Paywall Bypass JS - Simple script to bypass paywalls on The Washington Post
The Boston Globe - Paywall Bypass JS - Simple script to bypass the paywall on The Boston Globe
USF Student Seach Bypass JS - A simple script to bypass sign-in on the University of South Florida Directory page