Torn Item Market Highlighter JS - Highlight items in the item market/bazaars that are at or below Arson Warehouse Pricelist and Market Value
NoConfirm Torn Trades JS - Remove the confirmation dialog from the trade screen
Highlight RW Effects JS - Highlight RW effects in the attack loader
Torn Item Market Max Quantity Calculator JS - Calculates maximum affordable quantity when using max button in item market
Show Weapon Bonuses on Market (No API needed) JS - Shows the weapon bonuses for all applicable items on the item market
Customizable Bazaar Filler JS - On click, auto-fills bazaar item quantities and prices based on your preferences
Torn Trade Notification JS - Notifies when a user adds items to a trade
Torn.com Enhanced Chat Buttons V2 JS - Add customizable buttons to Torn.com chat with enhanced UI and features
Trade Chat Timer on Button JS - Show a timer that shows the time left to post next message, synchronized across tabs.
Hide Bazaar Banners JS - Hides the annoying bazaar descriptions
Torn Market Item Locker JS - Add lockable quantity controls to market items
Better Market Logs JS - Adds price per item tooltips to market sale events
Alt-Click to attack page JS - Alt+click user links to attack
Remove Anonymous Checkboxes JS - Removes anonymous listing checkboxes
Torn Market Quick Remove JS - Faster removal of singular items from your item market listings
Torn Chat Popout JS - Adds a popout button for Torn chat
Torn Market Seller Blocker JS - Blocks specific sellers in the Torn item market