WME NY UR Project Timer JS - Adds count down timer for the NY UR Project.
WME Birthdays JS - Creates buttons on the top bar of the Waze Forums to access editor birthday information.
WME Birthdays Beta JS - Creates buttons on the top bar of the Waze Forums to access editor birthday information.
WME TX PUR Raid Timer JS - Adds count down timer for the TX PUR Raid (2018).
WME Forum Sig Char Counter JS - Adds the character limit counter to your forum signature box.
WME Non-Validated Segments Finder JS - Identify Non-Verified Segment IDs.
WME Outreach Checker JS - Checks if a user has been contacted and listed in the outreach sheet.
WME Land of the Pure Overlay JS - Adds a group area overlay for the Land of the Pure (Pakistan) WoW.
WME Land of the Pure Timer JS - Adds count down timer for the Land of the Pure (Pakistan) WoW
WME Colored Map Comments JS - Change the color of Map Comment Points based on HEX Color Code.