Gist Edit Resize JS - Gist enhancements with collapsible files and larger editor area
Plugins at WordPress.org: WP Hive Cleanup JS - Userscript cleans up and simplifies page elements added by the WP Hive (wphive.com) Browser extension on WordPress.org plugin pages.
Plugins at WordPress.org: TasteWP Link JS - Userscript adds TasteWP link below the download button on WordPress.org for easy access to plugin sandbox testing.
KeepChatGPT Disable Banner JS - The KeepChatGPT script, while useful, is intrusive due to its exaggerated design and placement on the ChatGPT page. To alleviate this, only one CSS style is applied, reducing the interface to a tiny hoverable area.
ChatGPT: Fix Enter Key on Small Sizes JS - Userscript changes the mobile interface by restoring Ctrl+Enter or Enter as Submit, even when opening small, thin windows in the desktop environment.