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Title Youtube Locations

Puts the video title in the location bar of all YouTube video pages. Now with extra features add scrollbars, animate thumbnails, reduce font sizes and un-float the header.

< 腳本Title Youtube Locations的回應

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Animated Thumbnails, finally!

Have been looking for a script (that still works) that could provide animated thumbnails ever since I ditched Youtube Center, and this fits my needs perfectly. Thank you!
I have a feature request though: can you add the ability to show rating bars below every thumbnail?


Also, GreasyFork's search is terrible: your script doesn't show up on searching for either 'youtube thumbnail' or 'youtube thumbnails.' You should probably add (both) the words 'thumbnail' and 'thumbnails' to your description to improve visibility of your script.


I'm glad you like it Hippo. Honestly, it could do with some work. Each thumbnail slide is requested over the network every time it appears, even though it was just loaded a few second earlier! And the scrollbars are a bit out-of-sync with the recent versions of YouTube.

Thanks for your suggestion. I have tweaked the description to use separate words, which might help SEO.

Regarding your other request, I had actually already written a "rating bar" userscript but it stopped working some time ago. I have brought it out of retirement and got it working again for you!

- YouTube Thumb Likes Dislikes

But this one is equally dodgy! To get the likes/dislikes to appear, you will need to wave your mouse gently over the detail text next to the thumbnails. It's a bit odd but it does work, and it avoids spamming YouTube servers too much.


Sorry for my late reply, I never received a notification for your message.

The script works pretty well on the surface. I don't really mind any extra network requests as long as it works. :)

I appreciate your updating the other script. Unfortunately, I was looking for something that would show the rating bar at all times (i.e., without waiting for mouse hover) and preferably add the rating bar below the thumbnail, instead of being below the description.

Thanks anyways though. I have been through your scripts gallery also and you have lots of good work.


Woww, that's awesome animated things always attract my attention and nowadays this necessary to hold a visitor just using attractive animation and graphics because users prefer to watch the video instead of the reading article so I personally think that animation is a good technique to increase user engagement.

