//gen the dunce text area #user-details ........ .append($("").attr("id","HardHatDunceList") .attr("title","To use the dunce list you must have one user name per line and the user name is case sensitive!") .val("HartHat's Dunce List") <b>change to .val("HardHat's Dunce List") to fix</b> .css("height","50px") .css("position","relative") .css("margin-top","20px") .css("margin-bottom","5px") .css("width","100%") .css("clear","both")
typo in coding broke dunce hat feature
//gen the dunce text area #user-details
.attr("title","To use the dunce list you must have one user name per line and the user name is case sensitive!")
.val("HartHat's Dunce List") <b>change to .val("HardHat's Dunce List") to fix</b>