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< 腳本[New] Faucetpay Rotator的回應
Hello friend!!! Your script runs perfectly and I know how difficult it is to work on a project like this!!! One opinion: focus on FaucetPay faucets in the same style as those that already exist. Just like this:
Check out this list friend:
focus on FaucetPay faucets in the same style as those that already exist
I maked for that a extra python script where I save/crawl all sites from faucetpay in a txt and then a second python script that check every site in the list for gr8 template maked websites how your example.
faucetlist I have saved in bookmarks but no time until yet to look on that.
greetz Andrewblood
Friend, this extension has been updated and the response is faster:
Very good to hear that, thanks!
I am add all two to the settings and the people can choose what they wan't.
You know that this is only ReCaptcha that the hektCaptcha also until today make, but in this script you need both (ReCaptcha and HCaptcha) because of the Faucet Monitor where is the most money...
You can set in the Browser that the one extension only looks on HCaptcha sites and the other let it make but I think that don't can every people make....
I am look to integrate that but I don't wan't to write 3 people dayli how they configure there extensions in theyr browser.....
greetz Andrewblood
Your script runs perfect!!! One opinion: focus on FaucetPay faucets in the same style as those that already exist. Just like this: