Nexus Download Collection

Download every mods of a collection in a single click

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So, I have downloaded 679 mods out of 884. Starting it by new and then clicking on not download again for 679 mods is too much.
Since you already added manual selection of which mods to download could you implement something like this.
There you upload folder with mods(In our case vortex downloads folder) and your extension checks which mods are not present in that folder.
Your Extension seems to already handle this part as you see in all three screenshots.
The only drawback is archive name which contains some numbers after modname but that can be ignored in code I gues after all sacrificing a bunch of no install again is better then doing it for several hundrets times.
So to sum up. Your extension already have archive name. It is possible to upload folder with downloads into webpage to get their names.(You can make drag&drop area for that). If name of the archive differs only at the end you can ignore this in code.

After code check which downloads you have uploaded the code can then select not found ones.
Then if there was some files with same name like "Mod_riding-2021" And "Mod_riding-2021-2" it is only exeption and user can download them manually as vortex will show that they are missing.


Hi, thank you for the feedback.
That's a good idea, so I've added a button to import a folder, read the files within it, and add the already downloaded files to the script's history.
So, when you initiate a new download, you'll be prompted if you want to skip the previously downloaded files.

Regarding your concern about the file name, I can retrieve this information, so there's no need to perform any modifications on the name to match it with a mod.

Just published the 0.8.4 with this modification ;)


Yep, thanks. Alway happy to see improvements on great tools.

