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Nexus Download Collection

Download every mods of a collection in a single click

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It was working great up until it just kind of stopped, it shows its downloading but vortex has already downloaded all the mods sent so far and its not sending new ones. (im downloading this collection and its stopped at 45,45%)


Hi, thanks for the information, but it's somewhat difficult to guess why it stopped like that.
Did the console say: "Started the download of 200 mods. Waiting 5 minutes before continuing to avoid the temporary 10-minute ban from Nexus"?
It could also be your browser. If you have some kind of power-saving feature that puts tabs to sleep, it might stop the script.
Other than that, I'm not sure. You could try reloading the page and relaunching the script, then accept the prompt that asks you to resume where you left off or use the "skip to index" button.

Sorry that I can't help you whit that.

Next time this happens, could you please open the developer tools console of your browser (Ctrl + Shift + J for Chrome based browser, Ctrl + Shift + K for Firefox) and provide me with the content of it?


The console didn't say anything but I restarted the download and used the skip to index and it's working again, I didn't do it earlier cause I was scared it might break something but it's all good now.

