View more replies and remove useless sections from twitter
< 腳本Twitter: view more replies and remove useless sections的回應
I added this option - it is on the 1st place is settings, please try the new version. "Show additional replies..." is active by default.
Oh, turns out I didn't have it updated yet!
It's okay, I added it only after your request
Ah, nice! Thanks Max!
You are welcome
OK, that problem returned... Perhaps there could be a way to check if someone is blocked then don't show it.
My script can do something only if the target can be identified in html-code of the webpage. If someone is blocked, I can see it only if he is marked respectively.
Could you please give me an example of what is wrong? Then I can look for a solution.
It appears the case is that it involves someone having replied to a person that has blocked. In those case, it STILL clicks "View".
Perhaps it should check if:/html/body/div[1]/div/div/div[2]/main/div/div/div/div[1]/div/section/div/div/div/div/div[7]/div/div/article/div/div/div[2]/div/div/div[1]/div/span/span/span
contains "This Tweet is from an account you blocked." before clicking "view"
It also reminded me to check which of my other scripts automatically hides tweet cards containing "This Tweet is from an account you blocked.".
Ah, I see now the problem. My script clicks the button "View" on the tweets from blocked accounts. But it should not. I have to fix it
Thank you so much once again!
A suggestion: add options so we can disable auto-clicking to show certain types of replies (example: blocked spambot). Had to manually comment out the bulk that corresponds to "Show additional replies, including those that may contain offensive content" to stop that from showing.