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[satology] Auto Claim Multiple Faucets with Monitor UI

Automatic rolls and claims for 50+ crypto faucets/PTC/miners ( BTC, auto promo code for 16 CryptosFaucet, FaucetPay, StormGain, etc)

< 腳本[satology] Auto Claim Multiple Faucets with Monitor UI的回應

評論:正評 - 腳本一切正常


Hi dear author, I'm really glad and appreciate for you adding new features, but as a coding noob I have a question, how can I add this piece of code in your description:

"Solution/Workaround: Add the following 2 lines to the hCaptcha script, right after function getSynonyms(word) {
const WORDS_WITH_CYRILLIC = {'TBD': AIRPLANE, 'bіcycle': BICYCLE, 'bοat': BOAT, 'сar': CAR, 'mοtorbus': MOTORBUS, 'mοtorcycle': MOTORCYCLE, 'trаin': TRAIN, 'truсk': TRUCK };

to the hCaptcha script, the position and indentation got me, could you please show the screenshot so I can put it properlly.
And still, much thankful and hope you well all the time.


Hi! Here's a screenshot of the script w/the suggested modification highlighted: screenshot
Hope it helps! Let me know otherwise ;)


Thank you, it works like charm!

