YouTube - Disable Fullscreen Scroll

Disable scroll for details feature and remove the label from the bottom in fullscreen

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Unfortunately youtube broke the click part, now if you click anywhere on the blank part of the bottom bar it will scroll down to the chapter list. Any chance to look into this?


This has been a feature of youtube for a long time. This is the case if the video has chapters.
I've been using a css snippet that makes the chapter list click area smaller, so I can click on the empty space and the chapters sidebar won't open.
You can add the following as a new css stylesheet in Stylus extension. You can still click on the actual chapter text to go to chapters, but it won't trigger if you click on the empty area.

.ytp-chapter-container {
    width: fit-content;
    flex: unset !important;

Btw, the script was meant to block scroll with mouse wheel. It's actually impossible to completely block scrolling. I'd like to know if this isn't the case.


That's great, i stopped using stylus so i applied with ublock and works perfectly. I don't mind the other ways to scroll, mouse wheel and click blocked are enough. Thank you again

