YT: not interested in one click

Hover a thumbnail on and click an icon at the right: "Not interested" and "Don't recommend channel"

< 腳本YT: not interested in one click的回應

評論:正評 - 腳本一切正常


Something is wrong with the update url. On tampermonkey it refuses to update. If I copy the url manually into the browser, the page shows just a part of the script, not the whole thing. The only way to update is to come to greasyfork and update manually.


This is not specific to my script, because this is how greasyfork works:

  • @updateURL is for checking the version and it points to .meta.js with just the meta block inside.
  • @downloadURL is the actual update and points to the full code

I guess it may be a bug in Tampermonkey.

