Import and export bookmakrs from Mangakakalot, Manganato, Nataomanga, Nelomanga (id, name and visited number) to a txt or csv file on "Export Bookmarks"/"Import Bookmarks" button click
< 腳本Mananelo/Mangakakalot/Manganato/Manga4life Bookmarks Export的回應
I'm using it in Tampermonkey and it's working. Do you have "Developer mode" enabled and saved in chrome://extensions ?
I'm using opera gx but it's now working perfectly normal now.
Oh awesome! I hadn't tested it in Opera GX, but it's good to know it's working there as well.
I turned it of and on again... it works perfectly again
Worked perfectly before manganato got changed to .gg, and luckily I saved everything when I noticed the mangas next chapter buttons changed websites, but now the new update for these .gg websites don't work.
Also Tampermonkey doesn't seem to work but Violentmonkey does at least.
The normal txt shows:
=========================== Bookmarks
and the csv shows: