Import and export bookmakrs from Mangakakalot, Manganato, Nataomanga, Nelomanga (id, name and visited number) to a txt or csv file on "Export Bookmarks"/"Import Bookmarks" button click
< 腳本Mananelo/Mangakakalot/Manganato/Manga4life Bookmarks Export的回應
do you have a script to import bookmarks? can you share it too ? please !
i have a python script to import them on anilist
however it required some setup on anilist and myanimlist
if you want to modify it to make it work with other website feel free !
I'm not an expert in programing but thank you for sharing
Very good script !
I've imported my 435 bookmarks to Anilist with a tool that I developed on my side !
Both are working great !