See video thumbnails, ratings and other details when you mouse over a Youtube link from almost any website
Hi thanks for the feedback, I'll take a look to see if something unexpected is preventing the ratings bar from showing. It still shows for me as long as the video has ratings turned on, but it's possible there's a bug affecting some users.
Peek Preview should show a blue/white bar under the video thumbnail which represents the like/dislike percentage.
Ah okay, I misunderstood. I thought your add-on would not only show the rating bar, but also the ratings in numbers - aka rating count (upvotes and downvotes, with a thumb up/down or arrow up/down before the rating numbers).
So could you please add this usefule feature to your script?
The amount of comments aka comment count would be cool too. :)
Also I would rather like the classic green/red rating bar instead of the blue one. ;)
Ratings (upvotes & downvotes) are missing
Very cool and useful script, but unfortunately the promised feature to also show the ratings (upvotes & downvotes) is missing, please add it. Another useful feature would be the amount of comments.