[KissAnime] Captcha Solver

Saves initial responses to KissAnime captcha and auto-selects images if it knows the answer.

< 腳本[KissAnime] Captcha Solver的回應

評論:正評 - 腳本一切正常


Import bug (script version 2018.07.11.3)

ive finally gets how to import and export and clearing local storage

for anyone struggling how to clear local storage, just download LocalStorage Manager chrome extension

here's the problem: I tried both gukha and Big-Boss-x's list gukha list around 900kb file size Big-Boss-x around 1.1mb file size

I clear the local storage then I import first from gukha, exported it again, and the file size was reduced to 500kb, Same as Big-Boss-xBig-Boss-x from 1.1mb to 500kb too


also i tried to refresh in captcha page to test if it will auto select images but not a single one was auto selected(tried a few times) either import bug or probably it requires a new import script?


Please continue the discussion in this thread: https://greasyfork.org/en/forum/discussion/40242/x

As for the script not clicking images, the KA admin added noise to many of the images. This is difficult to deal with and increases the amount of images a lot. The browser console will tell you if it's seen a specific description before, and whether or not any of the images on the page match what it already has saved for that description.

I went through and manually verified dozens of instances where it says it has seen the description before but can't find the answer. I wasn't able to find any time that the saved image data for the description matched any of the pictures on the page. So I don't think the code is wrong.

That being said, it's either due to a change in the image such as noise or being tilted differently, or there are incorrect solutions saved in the list. The former is most likely. Adding noise or tilting images exponentially increases the total amount that exist.


btw, to import, i have to copy the download link of the .txt and paste it right?> @WestleyM said:

Please continue the discussion in this thread: https://greasyfork.org/en/forum/discussion/40242/x

As for the script not clicking images, the KA admin added noise to many of the images. This is difficult to deal with and increases the amount of images a lot. The browser console will tell you if it's seen a specific description before, and whether or not any of the images on the page match what it already has saved for that description.

I went through and manually verified dozens of instances where it says it has seen the description before but can't find the answer. I wasn't able to find any time that the saved image data for the description matched any of the pictures on the page. So I don't think the code is wrong.

That being said, it's either due to a change in the image such as noise or being tilted differently, or there are incorrect solutions saved in the list. The former is most likely. Adding noise or tilting images exponentially increases the total amount that exist.

thank you for your great work senpai. Ill contiue to report in the link you provided if i found a bug

keep the script updated always and more power thank you


No, to import you copy the whole contents of the text file and paste that in. It'll mostly just look like a giant string of characters.

Honestly .txt files aren't the best way for people to share their lists because it's harder to select everything. I'd recommend pastebin.

Thanks for the praise brah

