Allows you to download subtitles from Amazon Video
< 腳本Amazon Video - subtitle downloader的回應
Just tested on Chrome version 131.0.6778.86, with Tampermonkey version 5.3.2, with script version 1.9.15. Everything works fine. Maybe you have some other extension interfering with it. Oh, and Tampermonkey told me to enable "Developer mode" on the extensions page for UserScripts to work.
If you use Tampermonkey - it asks you to let the script access external sites with a short, 20-seconds timeout. If you don't click on "Allow", Tampermonkey blocks it. To unblock it you need to open Tampermonkey's dashboard, click on the script's name (it should open the script source code), click on "Settings" tab (next to "Editor" tab), scroll to "XHR Security". If you didn't click on "Allow" then there will be some domain listed under "User domain blacklist". Remove it, try again.
Stopped working in the newest Chrome for some reason, I updated the script. Still nothing. Got it to work in Firefox though, ty