Allows you to download subtitles from Amazon Video
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Nothing I can do about it. For my script to work it has to grab a link with all authentication params, etc. And if the first episode can't be opened - Amazon won't load the preview, and my script can't get the URL.
The script responsible for determining which episode can be watched and which can't doesn't even run because of that.
Can you click on that watchable episode? I don't have prime so I don't remember what happens. Does it open a new tab? Load another page? IDK.
Oh. You are correct.
Playing the first available episode does indeed fix the download when returning to the Season view.
Thank you very much.
Script doesn't initialize if some episodes are not available for watching/downloading etc.
Specifically, I'm looking at this:
Episode 1 is, for some reasons, listed 3 times, but only 1 is watchable. I'm not sure why Amazon lists it like this for my country, but this is making the script not trigger for this specific season.
The Console will show:
Seems these could be filtered a bit when querying the elements. Here's a sample of how the first 2 episodes in the screenshot above looks:
(notice I trimmed the
from the 2nd item).With my inexperienced look, I could say that
data-testid="download-button-IDLE" data-automation-id="download-button-IDLE"
is present on the episodes that are available to watch/download, while the "unavailable" ones don't have this. Maybe that's something the code could check for when deciding which items to parse/attach to.