Dailymotion: "Included By" Feature

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David Toso作者

Scriptish compatibility with Firefox 32.0

Hi All,


Since upgrading to Firefox 32.0, I've noticed that the userscript no-longer works with Scriptish 0.1.11. The script still works fine with Greasemonkey 2.2.


The script doesn't attempt to talk to the Dailymotion REST API, no security error is displayed (stuck somewhere inside GM_xmlhttpRequest). I'd say this is some change in the internals of Firefox in v32.0 that affects Scriptish but not GreaseMonkey.

Action Taken:

I can't really make any work-arounds until I understand the problem. I'll raise an issue with the Scriptish devs and/or Mozdev once I've had a chance to do a bit more reading into the relevant changelogs.

David Toso作者

The issue (with Scriptish) is already being tracked on GitHub:


The Scriptish devs have created a patch for the issue in the 2014-07-15 nightly available here (https://github.com/scriptish/scriptish-nightlies/releases).

It will take a while for the addons.mozilla.org repo to be updated.


There's also quite a lot of chatter that Scriptish is falling behind GreaseMonkey on features & maintenance. (It was previously very much the other direction).

I'll try to keep both working as much as possible, but I (and every other userscript dev) am at the whim of the addon devs.

David Toso作者

Scriptish still hasn't been updated in the addons.mozilla.org portal, and others have found lots more broken in Scriptish (including nightlies) due to (long announced) changes in Firefox.

I'm seriously considering dropping Scriptish as a target for my scripts. Does anyone have any compelling arguments against?

Scriptish still hasn't been updated in the addons.mozilla.org portal, and others have found lots more broken in Scriptish (including nightlies) due to (long announced) changes in Firefox.

I'm seriously considering dropping Scriptish as a target for my scripts. Does anyone have any compelling arguments against?

Yes,I've switched from Scriptish to Greasemonkey on firefox 29.


Is there an easy way to migrate all installed scripts from Scriptish to GM?

