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Netflix - subtitle downloader

Allows you to download subtitles from Netflix

< 腳本Netflix - subtitle downloader的回應

評論:負評 - 腳本失效或無法使用


Im using this script for a year, i live in greece and i download subtitles from netflix very often... Its been some days now that i see the download options but nothing happens when i click them...I tried uninstall and reintsall both chrome and script but still nothing.. I also tried to download subtitles from series that I have already download their subtitles in the past and still nothing so there arent the series which have the problem.. Im depserated because i want to download some subtitles but its been 7 days im trying and I cant :(


I'll just copy paste my comment from another thread that you commented on but didn't read:

Try opening the console (F12, console tab) and see if there's any error after you click the download button. I just tested on Stranger Things and was able to download all subs without any problem.

And yes, I tested it again and still works.


Yes and i get that error and i dont know hwat it is or how to fix it

Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: JSZip is not defined
at HTMLLIElement.downloadThis (eval at buildCode (81001036:1), :226:16)


See, that tells me something now. This UserScript uses two external scripts:

  • JSZip for creating an .zip file with all subs:

    // @require
  • FileSaver (saveAs function) for actually saving the file:

    // @require

For some reason JSZip (or both) isn't loaded for you. This could be because of some browser add-on (but you said you reinstalled the Chrome so I assume you tested it with just Tampermonkey) or firewall/anti-virus/your ISP blocking it for whatever reason. Try opening those links:

If you can't open them - try finding out what blocks them. And once you can - reinstall the script.


I open those links and they open corrctly i think, i see both script it right? Also i tried tampermonkey at firefox and still the same problem


Tested on Firefox+Tampermonkey, still works fine. There's definitely something on your end. Open Tampermonkey dashboard. In "Features" column there should be 3 icons for my script. Click on the first one (the only clickable icon). What do you see there?


I see this in the picture below, nothing is clickable


This doesn't make any sense. Your Tampermonkey downloaded those scripts so it should load them fine. I can't help you with that one, there's nothing wrong with my script. Have you tried using a different add-on for UserScripts? Greasemonkey (FF only) or Violentmonkey? I don't know, maybe your anti-virus installs some add-on that messes it up?

As a workaround (bad workaround, it will revert the changes if you update the script) you could open those links I sent, select all text, copy it, edit this UserScript in Tampermonkey and paste the text you copied above this line:

class ProgressBar {

I tried violentmonkey too but nothing happened.. the crazy at all this, is that i used the source for a years and suddenly i cant and i tried so many different ways to fix this


you said "Your Tampermonkey downloaded those scripts so it should load them fine. "/// how should to load them? when i open the links i only see text files with html source nothing loads to "work"


You don't load them, Tampermonkey does. It downloads them when you install my UserScript and loads them every time my UserScript runs (so when you open a Netflix website). And if you compare your screenshot to mine you can see that the size is the same so Tampermonkey downloaded both scripts. I have no idea why it doesn't load them. This has nothing to do with my script.

I've tried Firefox+Greasemonkey, Firefox+Tampermonkey and Chrome+Tampermonkey. It works fine. It's not my UserScript's problem. It's not a browser's problem. It's not an add-on's problem. You either changed some settings in your browser or your anti-virus did. Or a virus, I don't know. Just give it a try on another PC.

