Allows you to download subtitles from Netflix
< 腳本Netflix - subtitle downloader的回應
And you thought 7th thread made in the last 48h was needed for me to notice?
Edit the script, so instead of
const processSubInfo = async result => {
it says
const processSubInfo = async result => {
console.log("processSubInfo data1:", result);
console.log("processSubInfo data2:", result.timedtexttracks[0].ttDownloadables);
console.log("processSubInfo data3:", result.timedtexttracks[0].ttDownloadables["webvtt-lssdh-ios8"]);
console.log("processSubInfo data4:", Object.keys(result.timedtexttracks[0].ttDownloadables["webvtt-lssdh-ios8"]));
Then open browser console (F12, click on the Console tab), refresh the Netflix page and look for entries that start with "processSubInfo data".
Try version 4.2.2.
It doesn't work now.