Netflix - subtitle downloader

Allows you to download subtitles from Netflix

< 腳本Netflix - subtitle downloader的回應

評論:正評 - 腳本一切正常


This script is amazing.

Unfortunately, it's not working to dowload batch subtitles, for example "Download subs for this season". I noticed that the error is related to the global variable "caches" that can't be found, related to the "cleanBatch" and "downloadBatch" functions. I tried to update if for "window.caches" but the issue continues. It would be great if this could be fixed.


caches is available in a secure context (HTTPS) and Netflix uses HTTPS. And browser compatibility is great so IDK if you use some exotic one, outdated one, or if you have some browser extensions blocking it. I tested on Firefox (105.0.2) and Chrome (106.0.5249.103).


I disabled all the extensions and now is working fine.

Thank you so much for your help, you're awesome.

