px:"px", minSizeLimit:"Zoom the image, beyond that size, display the float frame", minSizeLimitTip:"After the image is scaled (the original size of the image does not match the actual size), the floating toolbar is displayed when the original image length is greater than the set value.", listenBg:"Listening background image", listenBgTip:"Show the hover box on the element with the background image", butonOrder:"Sort of toolbar icons", keysEnable:"Enable the following shortcuts", keysActual:"Open the big picture", keysActualTip:"Press this button to open a large image when a floating bar appears", keysSearch:"Find the original image", keysSearchTip:"Press this button to find the original image when the floating bar appears", keysCurrent:"Open the current picture", keysCurrentTip:"Press this button to open the currently displayed image when the floating bar appears", keysMagnifier:"Open the magnifying glass to observe", keysMagnifierTip:"Press this button to open the magnifying glass when the floating bar appears", keysGallery:"Open Gallery", keysGalleryTip:"Press this button to open the Gallery when a floating bar appears", magnifier:"Zoom", magnifierRadius:"Default radius", magnifierWheelZoomEnabled:"Enable wheel zoom", magnifierWheelZoomRange:"Wheel zoom magnification", gallery:"Gallery", galleryFitToScreen:"Scale the image to fit the screen", galleryFitToScreenSmall:"The small image is also scaled to fit the screen", galleryFitToScreenTip:"Adapt to be contain, not cover", galleryScrollEndToChange:"Switch the image after the big picture scrolls to the end", galleryScrollEndToChangeTip:"Valid after canceling the previous option", galleryExportType:"Image export default sort", grid:"Tile sorting", gridBig:"The original picture is tiled", list:"List sorting", galleryLoadAll:"Automatically process all pages when loading more images", galleryLoadAllTip:"If too many pages may affect the experience", galleryScaleSmallSize1:"The actual size is less than the height and width", galleryScaleSmallSize2:"Pixels are grouped into small size images", galleryShowSmallSize:"Show small size pictures by default", galleryTransition:"Show special effects of gallery switching images", gallerySidebarPosition:"Thumbnail bar position", bottom:"Bottom", right:"Right", left:"Left", top:"Top", gallerySidebarSize:"Height", gallerySidebarSizeTip:"The height of the thumbnail bar (if it is horizontal) or the width (if it is vertical)", galleryMax1:"Maximum read-ahead", galleryMax2:"Pictures (how many before and after)", galleryAutoZoom:"Zoom changes back to 100% (chrome)", galleryAutoZoomTip:"If you zoom in, change the zoom of the image and sidebar sections back to 100% and increase the viewable area (only valid under chrome)", galleryDescriptionLength1:"Maximum width of annotation", galleryDescriptionLength2:"Characters", galleryAutoOpenSites:"Automatically open the website's website regulars", galleryEditSite:"Online editing site", imgWindow:"ImgWindow", imgWindowFitToScreen:"Adapt to the screen and center horizontally vertically", imgWindowFitToScreenTip:"Adapt to be contain, not cover", imgWindowDefaultTool:"The tool selected by default when opening the window", hand:"Hand", rotate:"Rotate", zoom:"Magnifier", imgWindowEscKey:"Esc key is off", imgWindowDblClickImgWindow:"Double click on the image window to close", imgWindowClickOutside:"Click on the image to close externally", none:"None", click:"Click", dblclick:"Double click", imgWindowOverlayerShown:"Overlay", imgWindowOverlayerColor:"Color and Opacity", imgWindowShiftRotateStep1:"When rotating, hold down the Shift key, rotate the step", imgWindowShiftRotateStep2:"Degree", imgWindowMouseWheelZoom:"MouseWheel Zoom", imgWindowZoomRange:"Zoom Range", imgWindowZoomRangeTip:"Zoom (must be positive)", others:"Other", waitImgLoad:"When the image is completely loaded, it will start to perform operations such as pop-up zooming", waitImgLoadTip:"When holding down the Ctrl key, you can temporarily execute the setting opposite to this setting", debug:"Debug mode", firstEngine:"Preferred (first) search engine", refreshWhenError:"Read error, click overload", switchSlide:"Switch sidebar", countDown:"CountDown", };
all claims to google
PS: you assign "picNum" twice in "zh-TW" and twice in "zh-CN" and twice in "default" please, fix it too
You are cool, thank you!
Help for translate to English
all claims to google