IMDB List Importer

Import list of titles or people in the imdb list

< 腳本IMDB List Importer的回應



How can I make it work?

Sorry but i dont realy know how to use those scrips, i used just some passive ones in the past I'm on firefox using greasemonky. I installed the scrip but whem I go to the list url on imdb where I want to import the cvs file nothing happens. How do I open the menu?


Yes I seem to have the same problem. How to start the script.


I'm so sorry. I didn't even know so many people would be interested in it, so I didn't check comments. I don't really understand your problem. You just need to install it and activate it in Greasemonkey. When you go the list editing page, the form will be at the end of the page, right under the original imdb search form.


Hi, I am in the same boat. I've installed the script with Tampermonkey and gone to the page described (using Chrome 80.0.3987.163 and also tried with Opera fwiw), but nothing happens. However, I do see that the script is indeed running when I would visit this page.

Any ideas? Thanks.

EDIT- No idea what changed, but it's finally working with both browsers. False alarm I guess!


Some people here do not seem to realize that in order to make this work, you need to have an empty list created. I also made the same mistake at first, I went to the imdb/list page and nothing happened. Then I created a new empty list and the script ran as it should.


Thanks ncfbskaz, I will clarify this in the description.

