Shows all pages at once in online view for these sites: Asura Scans, Batoto, BilibiliComics, Comick, Dynasty-Scans, Flame Comics, Ikigai Mangas - EltaNews, Ikigai Mangas - Ajaco, KuManga, LHTranslation, Local Files, MangaBuddy, MangaDemon, MangaDex, MangaFox, MangaHere, Mangago, MangaHub, MangaKakalot, MangaNelo, MangaNato, MangaOni, Mangareader, MangaToons, ManhwaWeb,,, ReadComicsOnline, ReaperScans, TuMangaOnline, WebNovel, WebToons, WeebCentral, Vortex Scans, ZeroSc
The download link will appear at the bottom of the page after all images load + few seconds, it cant be any other way. Maybe next version I'll improve the message when you select the function to include more info.
maybe you should add a button that downloads the package whether or not all the pages are loaded...
the main problem I face is that some images are failed to load so I need to refresh the page.. if the image still not loaded, the download button would not appear...
Download image as zip
Hi, I just want to know how the download function works. I clicked the settings and checked the download image as zip function, reloaded the page but no download link appeared or a button to click for zip download. Please help :(