< 腳本selection length | 选中计字数的回應
I forget to join my French Translation (because the join function of the Forum seems not working) :
// ==UserScript==
// @name selection length | 选中计字数 | Comptage des mots Sélectionnés (TWEAK FRENCH)
// @namespace hzhbest
// @description 鼠标拖选显示选中字数 / Glissez la souris Afficher les mots sélectionnés
// @include https://*
// @include http://*
// @version 1.1
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
document.addEventListener('mouseup', function(e) {
}, false);
var tooltip = creaElemIn('div', document.body);
tooltip.id = "sl_tooltip";
var timer, content, overed = false;
var timeout = 1000;
// Insert CSS
var headID = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var cssNode = creaElemIn('style', headID);
cssNode.type = 'text/css';
cssNode.innerHTML = '#sl_tooltip {display: none; position: fixed; z-index: 999999; font-size: 12pt; background: white; border: 1px solid #ddecff; box-shadow: 0 1px 3px #333;} #sl_tooltip.show{display: block;} #sl_tooltip table{line-height: 12pt; border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; font-size: 10pt;}';
function count(e) {
if (overed) return;
var ae = document.activeElement; //console.log(ae.value + "|" + ae.selectionStart + "|" + ae.selectionEnd);
if (ae.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input" || ae.tagName.toLowerCase() == "textarea") {
content = ae.value.substring(ae.selectionStart, ae.selectionEnd);
} else {
content = getSelection().toString();
var selCount = content.length;
if (selCount == 0) return;
var cvalue=content.replace(/\r\n/g,"\n");
var sarr=cvalue.split("");
var len_total=sarr.length;
var r={
"wd":0, //中英文字数 // Nombre de Mots anglais
"nwd":0, //英数词数 // Nombre de mot
"nb":0, //数字词数 // Nombre de mot numérique
"c":0, //字符数 // Nombre de caractères
"cb":0, //非空格字符 // Nombre d'espace
"r":0, //回车 // Nombre de Retour à la ligne ? (entrer)
"en":0, //英文字母数 // Nombre de mots Anglais ?
"cn":0, //中文字数 // Nombre de mots chinois
"bl":0 //非回车空格 // Non- Entrez espaces ??
var words=cvalue.match(/\w+([’\']\w+)?/g)||[];
var numbers=cvalue.match(/\b\d+(\.\d+)?\b/g)||[];
var cnwords=cvalue.match(/[\u4e00-\u9fa5]/g)||[];
for(var i=0;i<len_total;i++){
case /[a-zA-Z]/.test(sarr[i]):
case /\S/.test(sarr[i]):
case /\s/.test(sarr[i]):
var str="Statistiques de caractères<br/>";
str+="<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>";
str+="<tr><td algin='left'>Nombre Total de Caractères:</td><td align='right'> "+(r.c-r.r)+"</td></tr>";
// str+="<tr><td algin='left'>Caractères vides:</td><td align='right'>"+(r.c-r.bl-r.r)+"</td></tr>";
str+="<tr><td algin='left'>Caractères Vides:</td><td align='right'> "+r.bl+"</td></tr>";
str+="<tr><td algin='left'>Caractères Chinois:</td><td align='right'> "+r.en+"</td></tr>";
str+="<tr><td algin='left'>Autres Caractères:</td><td align='right'> "+(r.c-r.en-r.bl-r.cn-r.r)+"</td></tr>";
// str+="<tr><td algin='left'> </td><td align='right'> </td></tr>";
str+="<tr><td algin='left'>Nombre de chiffres:</td><td align='right'> "+r.wd+"</td></tr>";
str+="<tr><td algin='left'>Nombre de Caractères Chinois:</td><td align='right'> "+r.cn+"</td></tr>";
str+="<tr><td algin='left'>Nombre de Mots Anglais:</td><td align='right'> "+(r.nwd-r.nb)+"</td></tr>";
str+="<tr><td algin='left'>Nombre de Chiffres Arabes:</td><td align='right'> "+r.nb+"</td></tr>";
// str+="<tr><td algin='left'> </td><td align='right'> </td></tr>";
str+="<tr><td algin='left'>Nombre de Retour à la ligne :</td><td align='right'> "+(r.r+1)+"</td></tr>";
tooltip.innerHTML = str;
// tooltip.innerHTML = getSelection().toString(); //for debug
tooltip.className = "show";
tooltip.style.top = Math.min(e.clientY + 10, window.innerHeight - tooltip.offsetHeight) + "px";
tooltip.style.left = Math.min(e.clientX + 20, window.innerWidth - 150) + "px";
function hide(){
tooltip.className = '';
tooltip.removeEventListener('mouseover', over, false);
tooltip.removeEventListener('mouseout', out, false);
function over() {
overed = true;
function out() {
overed = false;
timer = setTimeout(hide, timeout);
tooltip.addEventListener('mouseover', over, false);
tooltip.addEventListener('mouseout', out, false);
timer = setTimeout(hide, timeout * 3);
// Create an element
function creaElemIn(tagname, destin) {
var theElem = destin.appendChild(document.createElement(tagname));
return theElem;
Thank you! But I need accurate translation to post a new French fork for this script, since I am not good at French. May you?
I am but ...not :
i don't understand all the technical expression about words etc..
I put a "?" after each.
by example :
Caractères vides / Non- Entrez espaces / Nombre de Chiffres Arabes
Can you translate your script in english ?
Actually I wrote this script to do a word-count approach on web pages similar to MS Word, and since I am a Chinese, I used codes dedicated to count Chinese characters. So this script is not "internationallized" enough.
Maybe I will do an international version (surely in English), later. Then you can translate from that version.
Add a key - or an icon we can put in a toolbar (like ThumbnailZoomPlus) - to enable / disable it.
Add a key - or an icon we can put in a toolbar (like ThumbnailZoomPlus) - to enable / disable it.
To make an icon I will have to convert it to an add-on, which I think is not that necessary, since GM menu is capable. I had made a hotkey mechanism into v1.2, you can try it when uploaded.
btw, the international ver. will come a bit later.
GM : "Selection Length" seems useful! (i tweak it for french people)..
I you are interesting , i join it here my "bad" translation.
It is not an perfect translation, but can help to test your script for french people...
Feel free to correct it