Additional script for Firewall JS - Additional script for Firewall to Reload the page if HCaptcha is detected, handle Turnstile and reCAPTCHA on Firewall
Helpfpcoin.site Auto Claim Faucet JS - Secara otomatis masuk, klaim faucet, dan menangani sebagian halaman shortlink
Hofaucet.xyz AutoClaim Faucet JS - Automatically Login and Click Faucet
Claim.ourCoinCash.xyz AutoClaim Faucet JS - Automatically Login and Click Faucet
Freeltc.fun Auto Faucet(not working) JS - Automatically Login and Click Faucet on Freeltc
Multi Tab Visibility JS - allowing to open many tabs without browser's knowing
Onlyfaucet Auto Faucet JS - Automatically Login and Click Faucet
Keran.co and Bagi.co.in auto faucet JS - Input Email for automate faucet interactions and auto-redirect if buttons are disabled
99faucet.com,astrorunner.net,bitcoi.news,98faucet.com Unlimited Faucet JS - Automatically clicks the "Claim Now" button when reCAPTCHA or gpCAPTCHA is solved and the button is enabled, and clicks "View Now", "Verify", and "OK" buttons if present. Also scrolls smoothly to the center of the page if CAPTCHA is found.
Altcryp.com auto faucet JS - Automatically login and click faucet
Additional shortlink JS - 9/13/2024, 2:28:10 PM
Cryptoclaimhub.com JS - Otomatis klik mulai dari faucet sampai shortlink
Earncryptowrs.in auto faucet (not working) JS - Automatically Login and Click Faucet
Gamerlee auto faucet (not working) JS - Automatically Login and Click Faucet
Cryptofuture auto faucet (not working) JS - Automatically Login and Click Faucet on Cryptofuture
Chillfaucet.in auto faucet (not working) JS - Automatically Login and Click Faucet on Chillfaucet
Ourinfo.top auto faucet JS - Automatically Login and Handle Faucet Pages
autoclaim.in auto click shortlinks JS - Mengklik tombol "VISIT" secara berurutan dengan pengecekan apakah tombol dapat diklik, lalu lanjut ke tombol berikutnya jika tidak bisa diklik atau disable
ClaimCoin.in Auto Click JS - Mengklik tombol "View," "Watch Now," "Verify," link di halaman links, dan tombol di halaman achievements secara otomatis setelah kondisi tertentu terpenuhi di halaman yang relevan pada situs ClaimCoin.
Linksfly.link auto faucet (not working) JS - Automatically Login and Click Faucet
Cryptocoil Auto Faucet JS - Automatically Login and Click Faucet
Liteonion.online/instant Auto faucet JS - Automatically login and click faucet
Naijafav.top Auto Faucet JS - Automatically Login and Handle Faucet Pages
Coinmedia.in/ auto faucet JS - Automatically Login and Handle Faucet Pages
Faucetme.xyz Auto faucet JS - Automatically login, scroll, and click faucet / Ptc
Starlavinia.name.tr Auto faucet JS - Automatically login and click faucet
Finedieats.com/coins AutoClaim Faucet JS - Automatically Login and Click Faucet
Startoshi.com AutoClaim JS - Login otomatis, scroll ke Turnstile, dan klaim dengan jeda
Fastfaucet.site auto faucet JS - Automatically Login and Handle Faucet Pages
ClaimCrypto.in AutoClaim Faucet JS - Automatically Login and Click Faucet