florr.io | Text & Color Changer JS - Redecorate florr.io with your style.
Surviv.io - Dark Theme (2022) JS - Give surviv.io a new look.
Surviv.io | M9+++ JS - Turn every gun into M9. A challenge for yourself.
Surviv.io | Ads block & Remove annyoing "Account found" pop-up JS - Free experience Surviv premium.
Surviv.io | Health and Adrenaline counter JS - apple apple apple
Surviv.io | Custom map - Change classic map into others. JS - Change classic map into others.
Surviv.io | Auto start game. JS - inspired by emitwohs
florr.io | Playtime counter JS - Shows how no life you are
florr.io | Petal farming progress counter JS - Track and count the number of desired petals.