网页翻译 JS - 🍓 一个按钮的事,一点都不费事
ChatGPT 页面摘要按钮 JS - 🍓 让 ChatGPT 一键总结您正在阅读的网页
ChatGPT 阅读模式 JS - 🍞 显示一个用于阅读的模态框
📘微信读书阅读助手 JS - 读书人用的脚本
李想主义的原来题目 JS - 看理想你坏事做尽,画蛇添足另起什么标题
鲸 JS - 🐋 潜入海底,浮出水面
奇妙的一天 JS - 与ChatGPT度过的美好时光
📘微信读书阅读助手-马克笔款 JS - 读书人用的脚本
聊天章鱼 JS - 🐙 让章鱼为您发送多条信息
ChatGPT 页面翻译按钮 JS - 🍓 让 ChatGPT 一键翻译您正在阅读的网页
Midjourney一键点击 JS - 当你在Discord中打开Midjourney机器人时,一次点击一排的所有按钮!😊
ChatGPT 自动继续 🔄 JS - ⚡ 自动点击ChatGPT中的“继续生成”按钮,处理错误!
Speech Synthesis for MonkeyType JS - A userscript that uses speech synthesis to read out the words on monkeytype.com. This is helpful for improving typing speed while listening to the words.
低端豆瓣 JS - 加入可能的低端影视链接
Only When Sunday JS - 🏖️ Closes specific websites tabs except Sunday and different ones on weekdays from 9:30 to 18:30
O'Reilly Helper JS - 🎴 Enhance your O'Reilly learning experience: smoothly hide header and footer on scroll down, and show them (with cute transparency!) on scroll up.
Claude 页面翻译按钮 JS - 🍓 让 Claude 一键翻译您正在阅读的网页
Open Links JS - Select links with Z key and open them in new tabs
Read Something Greater - Ad Removal JS - This userscript is dedicated to enhancing the reading experience on ReadSomethingGreat.com by removing all advertising elements from the web page.
userscript-github-close-404 JS - Auto-closes GitHub repo pages that return a 404 error.
Update Claude.ai Chat Page Title JS - Updates the page title on Claude.ai chat pages every 10 seconds
Reddit on Google Search (forked from Alexyoe's original script) JS - Adds a button to search Reddit via Google Search