Twitter - Bring the Reply Counter Back (OBSOLETE) CSS - Shows an accurate count of replies, retweets, and likes for the currently selected tweet.
YouTube - Hide End Cards (unless hovering) CSS - Hides those big links that sometimes show up over the endings of videos -- unless you hover over the player.
YouTube - Watch Later and Share Buttons Return CSS - Enables the Watch Later and Share buttons on the player when not in Fullscreen mode.
Controls for YouTube - Alternative Theme (OBSOLETE) CSS - This theme was for the Chrome extension "Controls for YouTube", but now it's included in the extension itself.
YouTube - Remove clickable labels on "Watch Later" and "Add to Queue" buttons CSS - Removes those annoying, clickable labels on the "Watch Later" and "Add to Queue" buttons so you won't accidentally click on them.
YouTube - Show Full View Count and Date (unless hovering) CSS - Brings back the full view count and date to the description box.
YouTube - Square Corners for Thumbnails and Avatars CSS - Makes YouTube thumbnail image corners square again
YouTube - Search Results Cleaner CSS - Hides most of the random, unrelated videos which YouTube injects into search results, but still allows you to access them. This script gathers videos from categories like "People also watched" and "For you" and collapses them into thin boxes on-screen so they won't distract from actual search results. Hover the mouse over these boxes to show their contents.
YouTube - Large "Show less" Button CSS - Turns the right half of the description box into a large "Show less" button.
Bluesky - Remove Zeroes from Buttons (OBSOLETE) JS - Bluesky no longer shows 0s on the buttons so I'm retiring this script.
Bluesky - Muted Words (OBSOLETE) JS - The Bluesky website now supports muted words, so I am retiring this script.