WME OpenData JS - Provides access to certain OS OpenData products within the WME environment
LiveMap UR Overlay JS - Overlays UR, MP and PU markers onto Livemap
UROverview Plus (URO+) JS - Adds a whole bunch of features to WME, which someday I may get around to documenting properly...
TIMSLink2000 JS - Provides link to full TIMS details when viewing a disruption on the TfL Traffic Status Updates site
WME Auto Reload JS - Auto-reloads the WME data model on map moves
WME Map Comments Chronological Conversation Corrector (WMC4) JS - Quick hacky fix to restore chronological ordering to map comment conversations
ManifestCSV JS - Convert Hermes manifest to CSV
Waze Fix Forum Styling (aka FFS...) JS - Restyles the Waze forum pages to deal with the excesses of the native design
WME History Enhancer JS - Enhances map object history entries
TISWAS JS - Lists all turn instructions defined within the current map view