AniList Mobile Re-sizer CSS - Makes adjustments to the margins, padding, and the sizes of some buttons.
TL.net High Contrast Text CSS - Increases contrast of text.
AniList Black Theme Plus CSS - Makes the dark theme black and grey instead of midnight blue. Increases information density in a few places.
TL.net Footer Team Images CSS - Integrates footer team images into a posts body to reduce unused space.
Streamline Newsroom NZ CSS - Removes repeated sections and vertical whitespace from Newsroom.co.nz website.
Fandom Remove Background Colour CSS - Fixes background to make it compatible with Dark Background and Light Text browser extension.
Scryfall Darkmode CSS - Black background for Scryfall.
Astral Codex Ten Background Colour Fix CSS - Removes light blue background colour from Astral Codex Ten.
True Black Ars Technica CSS - Better blacken the Ars Technica dark theme.
Remove IEEE Spectrum Nav Bar CSS - Fixes scrolling bug when using touch screens by simply removing the top navigation bar.