Visual Password Hash JS - Displays a sequence of colored icons calculated from the entered password to help you detect if you've entered the password correctly.
BBG Hide Blocked GeekList Items JS - Collapses blocked geeklist items on BoardGameGeek.com and it's sister sites.
Tauschbörse St.Gallen JS - Verbessert die Navigation auf der Tauschbörsenseite
Mute Siren JS - Blocks distraction websites and neutralizes links leading to them.
BGG Trade Manager JS - Modifies the collection view on Board Game Geek to conveniently project shipping costs. Important note: for this script to run you must filter your collection for game with the "For Trade" flag, include the columns "private information" and "title" and then follow the permalink to that view.
Geek Plus JS - A growing collection of usability enhancements for BoardGameGeek
BGG Preview Upgrade JS - improves the BGG Previews, particularly for printing
Board Game Geek - One page auction geeklists JS - Loads all geeklist items into a single view simmilar to Peyo61's external tool.