OutOfMilk.com Shopping List Enhancements JS - Collection of HTML/CSS enhancements for various bugs and/or shortcomings of the Shopping Lists page (/ShoppingList.aspx)
No More Collapsed Google Contacts Details JS - Stop hiding Google Contacts details under collapsed sections
Google Contacts - Remove Sticky Headers in Contact Details JS - Reverts the header portion of a contact details' page to 'static' so that it scrolls away
MooTools for Greasemonkey JS (库) - MooTools (http://mootools.net) with fixes for Greasemonkey. Pulled from http://github.com/swannodette/mootools-core
Slick JS (库) - Standalone CSS Selector Parser and Engine. An official MooTools project.
Native implementation of a jsFiddle.net in-pane log console JS (库) - To be used among external libraries when testing other jsFiddle.net scripts