還原艦船名稱 JS - 自動替換所有連結名稱
Find_All_Links JS - Find and show all links on top, update every 10sec
osuMapFilter JS - filter osu maps
dlsite title reformat JS - remove title link / remove excess text / custom title format / click button to copy
anti-bili-anti-copy JS - remove bilibili article copy protection
mangaoh title reformat JS - reformat date & title in search result (click button to copy)
prts redirector JS - auto redirect to desktop version
sharer.pw auto click JS - auto click and redirect to download link immediately
google drive auto click JS - auto skip & click download
all links in new tab JS - open all links in new tab
PTT Web Image Fix JS - 修復PTT網頁板自動開圖、嘗試修復被截斷的網址、阻擋黑名單ID的推文/圖片
google search 自動點開[工具] JS - 在搜尋結果畫面自動點開[工具]
AutoEQ to EasyQ converter JS - convert & download XML for EasyQ
碧航艦隊科技工具 JS - 海事局的艦隊科技頁面 可以點擊該行來標記已120的船 顯示艦船頭像
AzurLaneSD 名稱可讀化 JS - 附加可讀的名稱
4chan Base64 Decode Tool JS - appears in the thread page. auto recursive decoding if the message is coded multiple times.
台電網頁工具 JS - 計算並顯示實際發電能力
open discord link in app JS - use discord app to open discord link instead of open in browser
pixiv blacklist JS - hide unwant artist in search
skip gamekee popup JS - 自動關閉gamekee註冊訊息