现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
网页无图模式 no pic CSS - 网页无图模式
FK CSDN CSS - 对CSDN的文章布局优化
Better Bing AI CSS - A new userstyle
Coursera layout optimization CSS - Move the transcript under the video to the right of the video.
清爽贴吧 CSS - 去多余元素 + 主贴页面加宽 + 吧头像调整
discord 消息标红 CSS - 新消息标红
Clean Douyu CSS - cleaner Douyu
douyin.com - 2023/3/6 12:45:08 CSS - A new userstyle
[watch] soccercatch CSS - A new userstyle
Google Chrome Webstore Dark and Gray v.2 CSS - Dark and Gray flavour + more infos in a glance
Google 多列样式 CSS - Google 搜索结果多列展示
tele5 base usercss 2023 CSS - hide everything but the video itself
nautiljon-mini-signatures CSS - Réduit la taille des images et du texte dans les signatures et les agrandit au passage du pointeur.
hideretweet🐘 CSS - hide retweet
GitHub Icons CSS - Custom GitHub icons
Gegenstimme Dark Mode colourful like/dislike buttons CSS - Changes colour of the like or dislike button if activated, so it's easier to see if video already was rated. Red dislike, green like.
Drawaria.dark (Reupload) CSS - Dark theme for Drawaria.
Avoid Copy Self Email in OpenAI ChatGPT CSS - To avoid copying the avatar email address in OpenAI ChatGPT's chatroom.
Bitbucket: hide banner at the top CSS - Hides the banner at the top of Bitbucket Server webpages
Confluence: hide banner at the top CSS - Hides the banner at the top of Confluence pages
[yande.re] Show and highlight HIDDEN posts CSS - Uncensored pictures are the best 显示并高亮隐藏的图片
Legacy Script Meta Block CSS - returns old script meta block for Greasy Fork. (as close as possible to old one)
Stream - Tolbek + Clones Widescreen + TMDB (USw) v.33 CSS - Adaptation de Stream - Tolbek + Clones Widescreen Pour "Remplacer div par card et ajouter posters sur les site de streaming [GreasyFork]". Celui-ci remplace les Titres des Films proposés par des cards et ajoute les posters depuis l'API The Movie Database.
Make Google Lyrics Copyable CSS - To copy lyrics in Google Search
ChatGPT Version in Header CSS - To make the ChatGPT version in each chat located in the top.
ニコニコ FullHD プレーヤー CSS - WQHD以上の解像度のモニターを使っている人向けに、プレーヤー部が1920x1080になる新サイズを導入します。
仰晨-百度搜索页 CSS - 主观百度搜索样式。始于 - 2023/4/11 20:01:47
Poe Style Enhancement: Font Modification, Wide Screen Adaptation, and Overall Element Scaling CSS - Font Modification, Wide Screen Adaptation, and Overall Element Scaling
SkyscraperCity bold Inter font CSS - All type faces of Inter from Google Fonts to mitigate Windows 7 Firefox issue.
StackOverflow sticky votes CSS - Makes the upvote/downvote buttons and vote count on StackOverflow and StackExchange sticky, so you don't have to scroll up to upvote a long answer.
ChatGPT Hide Identity CSS - To hide your identity in ChatGPT
Lenna's Fet Tag Request Hider v2 CSS - Removes tag requests on a notice page that supports Fet.
kinozal ( kinozal.tv ) Dark Theme CSS - Improved usability, dark colors, logo removed.
Google Search MultiColumn (New Design) (USw) v.13 CSS - Less scrolling with a multi columns interface. It work with the last Google design (2003.05)
Soundcloud Hyper Dark CSS - A functional, modern redesign of the outdated Soundcloud UX.
萌娘百科:移除背景廣告 CSS - 移除萌娘百科「MoeSkin」外觀的背景廣告圖片。
kinozal ( kinozal.tv ) Dark Theme Alt1 CSS - Improved usability, dark colors, logo removed.
kinozal ( kinozal.tv ) Dark Theme Alt2 CSS - Improved usability, dark colors, logo removed.
Polar Flow ( flow.polar.com ) Dark Theme CSS - Dark theme for Polar Flow website
Tabview Youtube Design Customization CSS - Change some designs in Tabview Youtube
Non-LGBT MDN CSS - color everything to default colors as it was back before. (basically removes lgbt s***)
4pda ( 4pda.to ) dark style CSS - `Поддержка 4pda.to, тёмные цвета, по возможности порезана реклама.`
PDB DMs CSS - Show who sent a DM request on PDB.
Remove YouTube Movie Purchase CSS - to remove YouTube Movie Purchase
KBin Extra Compact Dark Blue Theme CSS - KBin dark blue theme that also makes Compact mode even more compact
Hide YouTube Pause Overlay CSS - To hide YouTube Pause Overlay
Hide YouTube Shorts in Videos SidePanel CSS - To hide YouTube Shorts in Videos SidePanel
doubanResize CSS - resize douban short comment
ipanel微软雅黑 CSS - ipanel微软雅黑。
youtubeタイトル3行に増やす CSS - youtubeのサムネのタイトルを2行から3行に
Display summary in Amazon video CSS - Amazonプライムビデオのあらすじを常に表示する
GitHub Red Issues optional supplement CSS - An optional supplement to the "GitHub Red Issues" script/style.
CSS Fix for YouTube Shorts CSS - to fix YouTube Shorts issues
百度贴吧-更宽 CSS - 在宽版的基础上变得更宽
Listography Tweaks CSS - Tweaks for listography.com
[theme] kalcho CSS - A new userstyle
網頁XY卷軸美化 CSS - XY卷軸美化+自定義scrollbar better customize
Crop Stop CSS - The crop on some thumbnails is just bad. So, rather than having them cropped, this style resizes the image.
YouTube FullScreen No Controls CSS - Make YouTube FullScreen No Controls
GitHub bring back tabs CSS - Bringing back tabs, which are far better for readability
YouTube - Large "Show less" Button CSS - Turns the right half of the description box into a large "Show less" button.
Fix tp-yt-paper-tooltip.yt-live-chat-text-message-renderer CSS - It is to fix tp-yt-paper-tooltip.yt-live-chat-text-message-renderer
Remove IEEE Spectrum Nav Bar CSS - Fixes scrolling bug when using touch screens by simply removing the top navigation bar.
ChatGpt Material Dark CSS - Experience ChatGPT with a sleek Material Dark theme. Enjoy a distraction-free, immersive AI interaction on chat.openai.com.
mozz.us Gemini portal - Pink CSS - A bright pink theme.
GreasyFork Header Style Fix CSS - To fix GreasyFork Header Style
YouTube Chat Color Names CSS - Make YouTube Chat Color Names
YouTube: Hide Tickers (Live Chat) CSS - To Hide Tickers Bar in YouTube Live Chat
Bitbucket: readable commit messages CSS - Make commit messages on Bitbucket Cloud more readable
2017 Twitter Mobile CSS - Twitter if it was less ugly
Bilibili 20-21年旧版 CSS - 还原20-21年时期bilibili旧版界面
楽天の PR 商品を非表示にする CSS - 楽天市場の検索結果から PR 商品(広告商品)を除外する
jut.su + CSS - Новый вид jut.su Как по мне сайт с этим стилем выглядит лучше чем обычный Всем кто установит этот стиль +100 к чакре ;)
Fix YouTube Watch Flexible Menu Items CSS - To fix YouTube Watch Flexible Menu Items
Dark theme for Youtube Hitchhiker CSS - Designed for Rehike
ARD Mediathek - Smaller Subtitles CSS - Makes the subtitles on the ARD Mediathek smaller
YT簡化自訂控制項 CSS - YT簡化-控制項+按鈕+進度條自定義修改youtube Simplify - control items + buttons + progress bar customize
Twitter X Sleek CSS - Makes twitter.com and x.com sleek ... and requires ':has' functionality from your browser.
B站仿旧版样式(番剧/综艺播放页(beta)、搜索页(beta)、播放页、稍后再看播放页)(stylus版) CSS - B站仿旧版样式,仅播放页和稍后再看播放页,搜索页、番剧/综艺播放页还在改造中
YouTube No Cursor No Controls CSS - Make YouTube No Controls when you move cursor outside the video.
Apple Music Lyrics Panel Left-Aligned CSS - Custom style to left-align lyrics in Apple Music for improved readability.
Fusion HCM Knowledgebase Unlock CSS - Fusion HCM Knowledgebase applies a blur filter and an overlay that prevents text selection with a timer for removal. This style removes both immediately.
Rehike Hitchhiker Thumbnail Resizer CSS - can change the size of any thumbnail
Коммерсант: эксклюзивные статьи CSS - Доступ к эксклюзивным статьям Коммерсанта без аккаунта
YT Theater Chat CSS - YouTube Livestreams Theater Mode擴充的CSS修正
pixelplanet.fun green tema CSS - green tema for pixelplanet
Slickdeals Cleaner NG CSS - Removes ADs, promotional junk, and any sponsored or featured sections.
Test encoding issue CSS - https://github.com/JasonBarnabe/greasyfork/issues/1174
YouTube Remove Ambient CSS - Removes ambient mode around video player on YouTube.
Amazon Prime Gaming - Fade out non-GOG or Epic Games freebies CSS - Make the interesting freebies easier to find between all the Amazon Games App cruft.
2012 google logo this is meant for 2012-2013 Google CSS - https://uso.kkx.one/style/192418
Remove Video Focus Border for anime1 CSS - A new userstyle
Twitter fixes CSS - Display whole images, display whole tweets, and various enhancements here and there
Classic Google Top Bar CSS - Brings back the old black top bar from 2011 - 2014.
LightboxModern CSS CSS - Styling LightboxModern
Google Poeple Also Ask Remover CSS - Removes "People Also Ask" section from Google search results page
Google Icons Remover CSS - Removes icons (favicons) from top of each search result. Saves vertical space.
Chinese Font Fix CSS - Force PingFang on some sites
Custom Global Nav Tweaks CSS - A collection of css tweaks to be used with the "GitHub Custom Global Navigation" UserScript: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/478687-github-custom-global-navigation