现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
磁力链和ED2K文本变成超链接超级链接 JS - 自动将磁力链和ED2K文本变为超链接
Linkify·改了又改·继续改 JS - 在页面中查找类似URL但没有超链接的内容,并将其转换为可单击的链接。改这个只是为了在原脚本的基础上加个开关指示器和修复不显示图片的Bug以及支持DOM更新而已...
CloudFlare Turnstile Token Generator JS - bypass cloudflare turnstile token generator
悬停翻译句子 JS - 鼠标悬停自动翻译句子
网页复制破解助手 JS - 破解网页防复制限制,支持破解百度文库 (wk.baidu.com)、腾讯文档 (docs.qq.com) 和道客巴巴 (doc88.com) 等网站的文本复制。
外语终结者 JS - 识别非中文字符,如果长度大于5且翻译文本中不含中文,则翻译并且替换原始文本到中文
复制链接按钮 JS - 在右下角添加一个按钮,点击后复制当前网页链接,并显示提示信息
Internet Speed Monitor JS - Monitors your internet speed in Mbps and displays it in a movable panel at the top of the page. The panel can be toggled to show or hide by clicking anywhere on the page. The speed is updated every second. Ideal for tracking internet performance in real-time while browsing.
【余】全平台自动答题脚本 JS - 支持讯网后台自动答题【超星学习通】【智慧树】【职教云系列】【雨课堂】【考试星】【168网校】【继续教育类】【绎通云课堂】【九江系列】【柠檬文才】【亿学宝云】【优课学堂】【小鹅通】【安徽继续教育】 【上海开放大学】 【华侨大学自考网络助学平台】【良师在线】【和学在线】【人卫慕课】【国家开放大学】【山财培训网(继续教育)】【浙江省高等学校在线开放课程共享平台】【国地质大学远程与继续教育学院】【重庆大学网络教育学院】【浙江省高等教育自学考试网络助学平台】 【湖南高等学历继续教育】 【优学院】 【学起系列】【青书学堂】 【学堂在线】【英华学堂】【广开网络教学平台】等平台的测验考试,内置题库,自动答题功能全聚合
右键滚动条回到顶部 JS - 鼠标右键网页右侧的滚动条即可回到顶部
禁用 WebRTC JS - 禁用 WebRTC 防止泄露真实ip,默认禁用 WebRTC,脚本菜单选项用于启用/禁用当前域名的 WebRTC
[WORKING] Unlock any Medium Article JS - Unlock any paid article from Medium by using Freedium, works with custom domains too
截取页面长图,网页长图 JS - 只为了截页面保存图片,超级简单,截取页面长图,网页长图,截图不会包含本按钮。
Draggy JS - 拖拽链接以在新标签页中打开,拖拽文本以在新标签页中搜索。
考试题库划词搜索 JS - 适用与超星,智慧树等任意考试网站搜索一之题库的答案,支持划词搜索、拖拽和自定义token(加密显示)
Bloqueur de Redirections Forcées JS - Bloque les redirections automatiques, empêche l'ouverture de nouveaux onglets/fenêtres.
Universal Dark Mode 2 (Chrome-like) JS - Chrome-like dark mode with adjusted colors for better readability.
拖拽搜索或打开链接 JS - 拖拽文本时百度搜索,拖拽链接时打开链接,不显示禁止符号
【最强】【最全面】【全网页可用】【持续更新中】解除禁止复制和粘贴限制并支持手动粘贴 JS - ⭐学习通⭐pta⭐csdn⭐飞书云文档⭐破解所有网站【禁止复制】和【禁止粘贴】限制,支持【模拟人工输入】。安装后,打开目标网页即可解除限制。若粘贴解锁不生效,可以使用ctrl+m呼出浮动输入框进行模拟人工输入,详情请阅读下方说明。有疑问或者反馈都可以发我邮箱啊:[email protected]
导出 Cookies JS - 一键导出多种格式的 Cookies!
[Premium] H-Captcha Solver by Andrewblood JS - Use the 2Captcha service to successfully complete the H-Captcha
ScriptHub - 🧲 高效查找当前网站可用油猴脚本 🔍 JS - 在页面右下角显示当前网站可用的油猴脚本, Shows available userscripts for the current website from Greasy Fork
万能小说下载 JS - 保姆级教程!导出指定XPath的文本并以标题命名
Adblocker with URL-based Detection JS - Block ads using URL pattern matching
网盘直链解析 JS - 支持批量获取 ✅百度网盘 ✅阿里云盘 ✅天翼云盘 ✅迅雷云盘 ✅夸克网盘 ✅移动云盘 六大网盘的直链下载地址,配合 IDM,Xdown,Aria2,Curl,比特彗星等工具高效🚀🚀🚀下载,完美适配 Chrome,Edge,FireFox,360,QQ,搜狗,百分,遨游,星愿,Opera,猎豹,Vivaldi,Yandex,Kiwi 等 18 种浏览器。可在无法安装客户端的环境下使用,助手免费开源。😎
Bypass_Debugger JS - Bypass无限debugger
Video Volume/Playback Speed Controller JS - Adjust video playback speed and volume with HUD showing real-time values inside the video frame. Conditional scroll blocking applied. (Script assisted by ChatGPT)
网页长截图 JS - 使用 html2canvas-pro 实现对网页的长截屏
Auto Dark Mode JS - Automatically applies dark mode to all websites for better eye comfort at night.
alist beta版的用户开启全部权限 JS - Fetch and Update User information from API
WebMaster Pro JS - Ultimate web toolkit featuring multilingual captions, code fixing, Roblox server finder, YouTube song detection, and more
强制解除网页复制限制 JS - 去除网页的复制限制,解除右键和选择文本的限制。
Web2PDF 网页转PDF JS - Convert web pages to PDF with support for reading mode, editing, and custom styles.将网页转换为PDF,支持阅读模式、编辑和自定义样式。
Recarregar Páginas JS - Recarrega páginas assim que voltam para o foco
Bloqueio de Rastreadores JS - Bloquear rastreadores de dados pessoais em qualquer site, permitindo a pesquisa no Google
AdBlock New (⛔) JS - Ads block all websites
🚀继续教育刷课平台-自助下单【影刃】 JS - 继续教育刷课平台:支持华医网,安徽继续教育在线,深圳市教师教育网,成都职业培训网络学院,网络研修平台,浙江水利-浙水安澜-浙水学习,山财培训网,杭州专业技术人员学习新干线,内蒙古干部网络学院,59iedu甘肃专技-临夏州,国培网-融学APP,河北省专业技术人员继续教育,国家中小学智慧教育平台,安徽省建筑施工企业“安管人员”和特种作业人员继续教育,丽水市人社专技继续教育,河南干部网络学院,中国教育干部网络学院,学习公社,湖南师范大学专业技术人员继续教育,华医网专题专项培训,浙江水利水电学院安全生产培训网校平台,pep.com.cn人教,成都市中小学教师,内蒙古地矿,陕西省专业技术人员继续教育,昆明市教师远程培训,湛江市干部在线学习,广西西学中,中国人事人才服务网,四川省继教网,新疆兵团职业技能培训平台,知学云-林草网络学堂,陕西省建设类职业师继续教育
Magnet Link Handler for qBittorrent WebUI JS - Intercept magnet links and open qBittorrent download dialog in a popup.
实时显示星号密码 JS - 实时显示输入的密码内容,再也不担心忘记密码和输错密码了。
Ads-Blocked! (⛔) JS - Ads block all websites
Deepseek Chat Assistant JS - 调用Deepseek API进行对话。
文字链接可点击 JS - URL文本转a标签,代码全部来自DeepSeek,可能存在bug
Floating PIP Button = Enable Picture in Picture for mobile JS - Adds a floating button to toggle Picture-in-Picture mode for videos on mobile devices.
自动复制 JS - 自动复制,鼠标选中,直接复制,省去你的左手。
强制后台新建标签页打开所有链接 JS - 所有链接强制后台新建标签页打开,兼容Firefox和Chrome
新标签页打开(YouTube、Twitter、Facebook、知乎、百度等动态加载网站) JS - 让所有链接都在新标签页打开,同时原页面不会变化
Porn Blocker | 色情内容过滤器 JS - A powerful content blocker that helps protect you from inappropriate websites. Features: Auto-detection of adult content, Multi-language support, Smart scoring system, Safe browsing protection.
Convert Any Links to Clickable Links JS - すべてのリンクをクリックできるリンクにかえる。
LessonUp Bot JS - A bot script for LessonUp
Adblock 反广告检测 bypass JS - 结合通用广告检测绕过和针对性检测绕过,提供增强的绕过。
✌学习通,青书学堂|学起plus||国开|智慧职教|等各种成人教育网站|,均支持视频加速服务|指定倍速✌👈 JS - 使用前请务必打开浏览器开发者模式,按F2后即可执行,使用前一定要看脚本使用说明|脚本可完美运行
网页模式切换器 JS - 通过浮动按钮切换网页白昼/黑夜模式
网页右键与复制限制解除(轻量版) JS - 轻量级的网页限制解除脚本,只解除右键和复制限制,提供更好的兼容性
网页限制解除(视频修复) JS - 通杀大部分网站,可以解除禁止复制、剪切、选择文本、右键菜单的限制。
驗證自動處理-彈窗關閉 JS - 自動處理超過30個常見網站的年齡驗證彈窗,若出現誤關閉,用@exclude遮罩
Via Css隐藏规则日志 JS - 格式化CSS规则,检测哪些规则生效,并输出匹配日志。
网页划词高亮工具 JS - 提供网页划词高亮功能
12ft.io Button JS - Adds a button to load the page with 12ft.io/
WebRTC IPv6 P2P Connection(视频流通过P2P点对点传输) JS - 在视频播放时自动建立WebRTC连接以实现P2P传输
个人待办事项清单 JS - 浏览器右下角的个人待办事项清单,支持多个清单管理,可双击编辑项目,右键菜单修改清单名称
SmartFrame Downloader JS - Enables the download of high-resolution PNG images from a 'SmartFrame'
HTTPS-to-HTTP by Mandy JS - Redirect HTTPS to HTTP
Link Modifier_Mandy-FB.mebrowse.php JS - Furk direct download by Mandy Magic
FF pe FB by Mandy JS - Removes https links of facebook from frendzforum
XKCD Text Replacer JS - Replaces text (mostly) according to http://xkcd.com/1288/
CS User Manuals Yes JS - Fills All Yes mturk
CS User Manuals Hot Key JS - Mturk Hit the ? key for key list
Snagajob Highlighter JS - Mturk Highlights key words and adds hotkey, click ? for key list
JQ_ForceAutoComplete JS - Forces the autocomplete attribute for all forms and input fields in the page
RandomProxyHeader JS - [EN] Load webpages and links through a random proxy based on the server response (403). If not found (404), loads the cached version of the page. [PT] Carrega paginas e links atraves de um proxy aleatorio, mas baseado na resposta do servidor (403). Se a pagina nao for encontrada (404), carrega a versao disponivel em algum cache.
ProxyLoadIMG JS - [PT] Carrega imagens atraves de um proxy aleatorio. [EN] Load images through a random proxy.
RandomProxy JS - [PT] Carrega paginas e links atraves de um proxy aleatorio. [EN] Load webpages and links through a random proxy.
TrocaHTTPporHTTPS JS - [PT] Troca o protocolo 'http' por 'https' (seguro) para TODOS os sites (se este nao tiver uma versao segura, causa erro)
Collins Non Quals JS - Mturk collins multiple copy/paste
No Embed Youtube JS - replace embed iframe, object with anchor link.
Unown Almost Everywhere JS - Changes nearly all letters to Unown™ (Font style is copyright of Nintendo®)
GaiaOnline: Is It Glowing? JS - Checks tanks for glowing (Tools->Greasemonkey->User Script Commands)
GaiaOnline: Mail Checker JS - Checks inboxes for mail (Tools->Greasemonkey->User Script Commands)
see your passwords as you type them JS - Show passwords as you type them. Double click to hide it. (based on userscripts.org/scripts/show/34184 )
Third Party Content Remover JS - Great for removing ads. (I still recomend using Adblock Plus) (There are tools under User Script Commands)
Calculator JS - Adds a Calculator to every page.
Show or Hide Your Password on Mouse Events JS - Show password on double click, hides it when mouse leaves the password field (based on userscripts.org/scripts/show/34184 )
SET Master Keys JS - Adds Hot keys to Set Master Hits
Visual Password Hash JS - Displays a sequence of colored icons calculated from the entered password to help you detect if you've entered the password correctly.
wikEd JS - A full-featured in-browser editor for Wikipedia and other MediaWikis
Detect jQuery JS - Detect jQuery on every page
Show localStorage entries JS - Show localStorage entries for every web page you visit
Alexa Traffic Rank for links JS - Show alexa traffic rank for all links
ZSMTurker's Linkify JS - Turns text-URLs into working links. This applies to every webpage
ZSMTurker's Larger Radio Buttons and Checkboxes JS - Makes radio buttons and checkboxes larger. Applies to every webpage
Green SSL Password Fields JS - Colors the passwd field green if secure, red if not
Disable youtubeblocker JS - Removes the retarded "Share to View" social crap on sites that use youtubeblocker
Remove Feedburner Link Information JS - Removes tracking info from feedburner links
Clear Radio Button JS - When clicking on a selected radio button, this script will clear it
Else-to-Elsa JS - Replaces else with elsa :)
Password Revealer JS - Shows passwords on mouse hover or focus
Tumblr Easy Page Browsing JS - Now it works on all tumblr blogs even if not with a tumblr domain. Adds a draggable navigation panel that contains buttons for newer page, older page, home and archive. The script stores the position of the panel.
uso-mirror JS - redirects userscripts.org to userscripts-mirror.org
Allow Password Remembering JS - Removes autocomplete="off" attributes