现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Add Opensearch Link JS - Appends missing Opensearch link from https://github.com/opensearch-directory/opensearch-directory
雅黑 JS - *
划词翻译 JS - 选中文字自动翻译
NoMouseWheelZoom JS - No Mouse Wheel Zoom -> https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/disable-scroll-wheel-zoom/mdpfkohgfpidohkakdbpmnngaocglmhl
Fix 1000 mile challenge start date JS - Corrects the bug in displayed start date
簡體字翻譯器 JS - 會把簡體字翻譯到繁體字
Details shim. JS - Adds support for <details> and <summary> tags for unsupported browsers.
Smart quotes JS - Replaces straight quotes with smart quotes
remove google "Roboto" font JS - this script will remove google "Roboto" font, make web page more comfotable on eye
scrol1-滚动条自动隐藏变色及仿scrol1 style改写 JS - ios scroll bar for chrome
clearAds JS - try to take over the world!
contentEditable JS - Applies contentEditable when F7 is pressed
高亮关键词 JS - 高亮特定网页中感兴趣的关键词
注释墙 JS - 选中内容后添加注释并复制到剪贴板, 同时在本地的服务其中新建一个副本, 参见 https://github.com/ezirmusitua/snippet-board
划词翻译 JS - try to take over the world!
PunyCode Protection JS - Warns on clicking links and arriving into sites which uses PunyCode.
F11全屏 JS - 让Edge浏览器的F11键恢复作用
Markdown-A-Textarea JS - 在需要的地方启用 MarkDown 语法,添加格式帮助链接及 Markdown 工具栏
NEw Dark theme (amoled screen) JS - A dark theme that is pleasing to the eye,suited for amoled screen
设置并替换宋体为微软雅黑(Microsoft YaHei UI) JS - 适用于edge浏览器默认使用微软雅黑字体(或替换宋体为微软雅黑)
Page Positioning Buttons JS - Add links to go to top, bottom or a user specified position of each page.
格线+背景绿完美版OK-05-10 JS - 格线+背景绿完美版
强制使用微软雅黑 - 单执行方式 JS - 由BackRunner制作的【强制使用微软雅黑】脚本的 单执行方式 版
强制使用思源黑体 JS - 我就是喜欢思源黑体!【解决显示方框问题】
Focus Search Field JS - Allows you to focus the search field on any website by using a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + ;)
KeepVid Helper JS - This userscript assists KeepVid in fetching download links. Mainly used as an alternative to the Java option currently provided.
Replace Missing Favicon JS - Add default favicon for any sites that don't have a favicon
网盘链接激活工具 JS - 激活百度和360网盘的链接,可以直接点击。
bv7_password_generator JS - ge.ge.ge.ge.generate...
Send Link to Papaly Inbox JS - Adds a link to the current webpage to your Papaly Inbox
点击返回顶部 JS - 点击向上的箭头按钮返回到页面顶部
ctrl + alt + E切换页面可编辑 JS - RT
Remove junk URL parameters JS - Hides UTM and other tracking parameters from URLs.
FontShadow JS - 给字体加上阴影
zfilm-hd Комментарии пользователей zFilm-HD JS - Специально для фанатов портала Zfilm-HD. Отображении ссылки на комментарии пользователя с целью просмотреть их увлечения.
Copy & Ignore textTransform property JS - Ignore the textTransform property while copying some text.
Change all pics on website to Rick Astley JS - Title
Pause/Mute HTML5 Audio/Video On Leaving Tab JS - Pause or mute HTML5 audio/video on leaving a tab and restore them back on returning.
Background Network Requests Indicator JS - Shows an indicator at bottom right/left when there is one or more background network requests in progress.
test JS - なんでも良いからテストでインストールしたい人へ
Highlight Word JS - Insructions
Custom element hider JS - To show how one can hide elements like an ad blocker using userscripts
Title notification remover JS - Removes the notification count from the title of all webpages
VimJ JS - Vimium Mock
Webpages slideshow JS - Loop display a serial of webpages. Display time for each page can be set.
Отключить все стили JS - Remove all styles!
MomentumScrolling JS - Add drag scrolling and momentum.
RememberKosovo JS - Make any stubborn form remember entries. Autocomplete, autofill, pre-fill, remember passwords and usernames and other form entries.
Auto Check Remember Login JS - The script will automatically check all remember login checkbox
迅雷地址转真实地址 JS - 把迅雷专用链接,旋风专用链接,快车专用链接转为原始链接
ctrl + I切换页面反色 JS - RT
AutoPlay Disabled for HTML5 Videos + Pause on Switch Tab JS - Prevents auto-play HTML5 videos in new tabs on any page (not just YouTube) and pauses videos when leave/switch/change the current tab, to prevent any video playing in the background. This auto play blocker is an alternative to Click-to-Play / click to play. On some times like YouTube, click twice to begin first playback — From Dan Moorehead (xeonx1), developer of PowerAccess™ (http://PowerAccessDB.com)
KANJAX on all Websites v2 JS - Adds scripts to find Kanji on website page and makes them interactive with Kanji Koohi data + kanji strokes.
zFilm-HD Адаптивный дизайн для больших экранов JS - Полностью переработанный дизайн веб-сайта адаптированный под разные разрешения экрана. Специально для фанатов портала Zfilm-HD от пользователя bOok1.
Grayscaler JS - Render entire page in grayscale (greyscale). Updated 2017-07-08.
Page Scroll Marker JS - Adds translucent bars to the top and bottom of the viewport, which indicates the previous viewport position when the page is scrolled. This tool will prevents you from getting lost when you press the Page Up/Down keys.
Reduce Page Titles JS - Reduces certain page titles by removing substrings
CleanReader JS - 启用后,自动进入简洁阅读模式。
ALL THE LINKS in new tab JS - This will force all the links open in a new tab, even internal links.
Mouse click effects JS - Mouse click effects.
Mouse click effects (hits) JS - 10086hits
WSOP JS - GreaseMonkey / TamperMonkey script that show percentable status of actual bracelet level.
Better Standalone Image JS - Make standalone image display better
test_sig.tzeng JS - This script will automagically blah blah blah
Kbagi Anti+ JS - GoodBye Internet+
F1 Key blocker JS - Blocks F1 key default behaviour
Check for robots JS - Easy script to check robots.txt content
网页短链接 JS - 让你发给别人的链接更简洁
Show My Passwords JS - Show/Hide the contents of password fields by clicking on the eye icon or with hotkey
HTML5 Video Playback Speed Control Keyboard Shortcut JS - Add keyboard shortcuts to control HTML5 video playback rate. Available keyboard shortcuts are: <CTRL+[> = Decreate playback rate, <CTRL+]> = Increase playback rate, <CTRL+\> = Set playback rate increment/decrement unit, <CTRL+'> = Set playback to specific rate, <CTRL+;> Reset playback rate to default (to 1.0). Default playback rate incement/decrement is configurable via script.
超简易解除网页限制 JS - 解除网页的复制 、拖动 、选中 、右键 、粘贴等限制。没有多余的代码,仅28行,尽量做到不占资源.
紅色背景偵測器 JS - 能偵測有紅色背景嘅公司、中資企業、匪語等等
Thunder Harvester JS - This script will search for thunder and magnet links on every webpage,when found, it shows a button to download them all (by sending them to the clipboard).
SauceNao Reverse Image Search JS - Adds a "Search on SauceNao" option to the context menu
Set minimum font weight JS - Set the minimum font weight on a page, to make things readable
Convert HTML select to Select2 JS - It's often hard to select data from combobox where it has huge data. This script will make easy to use comboxbox(select tag)
Scroll To Top JS - When user scrolled down of page then it will make easy to get back to top of the page.
在当前页面加载链接网页 JS - 在当前页面加载链接网页,左滑后退
auto copy JS - auto copy selected text - Note: Please remember after you select your text you ---> one click your selected text for copy <----
Background Tab Stopper JS - Speed up browser (chrome) by stopping background tabs from completely loading
双击显示密码脚本 JS - 双击显示密码
open all links in the new tab except for the turn page link JS - except for the turn page link whose inner text is 'next', 'previous' and other page number
搜索引擎跳转 JS - 简单的搜索引擎跳转
YouTube automatic seek request JS - send seek request at time interval.
Mute Siren JS - Blocks distraction websites and neutralizes links leading to them.
browser-beautify JS - 在网页右下角添加背景图,美化浏览器
Allen's Magic JS - Allen's magic casting to internet
Google translation replace character JS - press F5
【F7】12377一键举报 JS - 【F7】一键举报,速成举报狂魔!
Enable Tab Character Inside Textarea JS - Allows you to type Tab character to textarea (Multi-line text box)
Disable Google Search Result URL Redirector JS - Disable Google URL redirector (i.e. user data tracking) on Google Search result, including Google Custom Search Engine (CSE) which is used by many websites, and in Google Groups.
DPVS JS - Disable Page Visibility API Script
Steam Key Helper JS - try to take over the world!
谷歌翻译格式问题 JS - press F5
KurwoSkrypt Community Edyszyn JS - community Edyszyn
Media Tabs Grey Background JS - Firefox-style dark grey background for media tabs in Chrome (etc)
Qaptcha pass JS - Pass captcha
ASCII Control Codes Keyboard Input Helper for Firefox JS - This is a script to help inputting ASCII Control Codes such as TAB, CR, LF, etc. on Firefox web browsers using ALT+Numpad keys. Inputted control codes must begin with 0 (e.g. 09, 013, etc.), and only control code 1 to 31 are accepted. The control character will only be generated when the current focus is on a TEXTAREA element, or a text typed INPUT element.
text/plain Style Dark Centered JS - Light on dark centered content style for text/plain documents.