更好的 Youtube Shorts

为 Youtube Shorts提供更多的控制功能,包括自动/手动跳转到对应视频页面,音量控制,播放速度控制,进度条,自动滚动,快捷键等等。

< 脚本更好的 Youtube Shorts的反馈

评价:一般 - 脚本能用,但还有一些问题


YT shorts is bad, it has a lot of problems and this script might even fix them all. But I don't know because there is no real documentation in english, even google translate doesn't really help. I think this is a fair criticism because you've designed all the options and headings in english, so english-speaking users would expect to be able to figure out how to use it.

I like that it allows you to seek within a video. What I want is a way to open a short I'm watching in regular video mode (i.e. open the video in a tab at URL ending with /watch?v=), is that possible? If so, how can I make that work?


i translated it

Better YouTube Shorts
Provides more features for youtube shorts, including
Can automatically jump to the corresponding video interface
You can manually jump to the corresponding video interface, shortcut key alt + w, such as https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9wRiG-A7K8A , press alt + w to open https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wRiG-A7K8A , open the current shorts in the video interface
Progress bar (including time display, can be dragged)
Volume control (including volume display)
Playback speed control
Automatic scroll control
Script recommendation: Tabview Youtube , the biggest advantage is that you can watch the video and read the comments without scrolling up and down, very useful
Script Features
There is no performance problem caused by setInterval. Use requestAnimationFrame and only render the required parts, which greatly reduces performance consumption.
Optimization point
Solve the problem that the plugin is invalid when there are ad blocking plugins and extensions
Optimize loading speed
Solve the problem that shorts entered from other pages (such as user homepage, shorts column on the homepage, etc.) do not load the Better Youtube Shorts interface
Scripting options (in Tampermonkey/ViolentMonkey menu)
1. Option "Shorts Auto Switch To Video"
off: Do not automatically switch to the video interface
on: Automatically switch to the video interface
2. Option "Loop Playback" (This option is effective only after turning off autoscroll, otherwise automatic scrolling takes precedence)
off: Stop after playing a video
on: The video will automatically loop infinitely after playing
3. Option "Continue From Last Checkpoint"
off: The default logic of shorts, each short starts playing from 0s
temporary: remember the last position of each shorts, and continue from the last position when you return to this shorts (these memories will be reset every time the web page is refreshed)
permanent: Refreshing the page will not reset these memories
4. Option "Constant Volume"
off: Use the default volume logic used by YouTube for shorts, each video has its own volume
on: All browsed shorts use the volume set by the user on the volume bar
5. Option "Constant Speed"
off: Use the default playback speed logic used by YouTube for shorts, each video has its own playback speed
on: All viewed shorts will use the playback speed set by the user on the playback speed bar
6. Option "Open Watch In Current Tab" (This option is only valid when ShortsAutoSwitchToVideo is off, that is, when staying in the shorts interface)
off: Open the watch interface corresponding to the current shorts in a new tab
on: Open the watch interface corresponding to shorts in the current tab
7. Option "Double Click To Fullscreen"
off: Turn off double-click full screen (to be compatible with other plugins' double-click operations on shorts)
on: Enable double click full screen
8. Option "Progress Bar Style"
original: Use the native progress bar of youtube
custom: Use Better Youtube Shorts' custom progress bar
9. Option "Operation Mode"
Video (Yotube video shortcut keys, plus shift control to scroll the video)
Up/Down Arrows - Volume down/up
Left/Right Arrow - Back/Forward
Shift+Left/Shift+Right - Previous/Next video
Shift+Up/Shift+Down - Previous/Next video
Space - Play/Pause
Double click the video - full screen
alt + enter (including numeric keypad enter) - full screen
alt + w - Open the video interface corresponding to shorts
0~9 (including numeric keyboard) - jump to the corresponding progress
C - Increase playback speed
X - Slow down playback
Z - Resume playback speed
V - Show/Hide shorts description
Shorts (Youtube Shorts shortcut keys, plus shift to control volume)
Up/Down Arrows - Previous/Next Video
Left/Right Arrow - Back/Forward
Shift+Left/Shift+Right - Volume down/up
Shift+Down/Shift+Up - Volume down/up
Space - Play/Pause
Double click the video - full screen
alt + enter (including numeric keypad enter) - full screen
alt + w - Open the video interface corresponding to shorts
0~9 (including numeric keyboard) - jump to the corresponding progress
C - Increase playback speed
X - Slow down playback
Z - Resume playback speed
V - Show/Hide shorts description

