Adds "Save current rig layout" & "Empty rig layout" quick actions to a Cracking crime.
这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本
Fixed the script after last break
Fixed rig div detection thanks to Helcostr [1934501]
Fixed classes changing after TORN update.
Added "Disable rig" button to strip off ALL the PSUs from all chassis.
Updated "empty" layout to use 1 request (same as new reset rig button).
Fixed "Chassis #N" tabs not being clickable for NVDA tools.
Added auto-import from Rig Simulator via URL
Drastically changed the script to only include requests on components that actually differ between old/new layouts.
Minor styling changes.
Made export strings shorter by omitting null properties
Added layout import & export features!
TornPDA support returned
Remade to comply with TORN scripting rules.
Fixed buttons not showing up after a refresh on TornPDA