// ==UserScript==
// @name Torn Rigs Layout Switcher
// @namespace https://github.com/SOLiNARY
// @version 0.7
// @description Adds "Save current rig layout" & "Empty rig layout" quick actions to a Cracking crime.
// @author Ramin Quluzade, Silmaril [2665762]
// @license MIT License
// @match https://www.torn.com/loader.php?sid=crimes*
// @match https://www.torn.com/loader.php?sid=crimes#/cracking
// @match https://sliw.co/rig/*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=torn.com
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
(async function() {
'use strict';
const IS_DEBUG = false;
const isTampermonkeyEnabled = typeof unsafeWindow !== 'undefined';
if (!checkCurrentSite()){
let rigLayouts = localStorage.getItem("silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-layouts") ?? "";
let rigLayoutsArray = rigLayouts.split(',');
class ComponentInfo {
constructor(x = null, y = null, item = null, x2 = null, y2 = null, action = null) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.item = item;
this.x2 = x2;
this.y2 = y2;
this.action = action;
const rfcvArg = "rfcv=";
let rfcv = localStorage.getItem("silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-rfcv") ?? null;
const crimesReadUrl = '/page.php?sid=crimesData&step=crimesList&';
const crimesWriteUrl = '/page.php?sid=crimesData&step=prepare&';
let rfcvUpdatedThisSession = false;
let mutationFound = false;
let panelAdded = false;
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('rigLayouts', rigLayouts, rigLayoutsArray) : null;
let currentRig = 0;
let rigsInfo = {0: [], 1: [], 2: []};
let requestsQueue = [];
const { fetch: originalFetch } = isTampermonkeyEnabled ? unsafeWindow : window;
const customFetch = async (...args) => {
let [resource, config] = args;
let response = await originalFetch(resource, config);
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('response', response) : null;
let fetchUrl = response.url;
if (fetchUrl.indexOf(crimesReadUrl) >= 0 || fetchUrl.indexOf(crimesWriteUrl) >= 0) {
try {
const jsonData = await response.clone().json();
const rig = fetchUrl.indexOf(crimesReadUrl) >= 0 ? jsonData.DB.crimesByType.rig : jsonData.DB.additionalInfo.prepareInfo.rig;
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('rig.chassis', rig.chassis) : null;
rig.chassis.forEach((rigData, rigId) => {
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('rigData', rigData) : null;
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('rigId', rigId) : null;
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('rigData.components', rigData.components) : null;
let items = [];
if (rigData.components == null) {
rigsInfo[rigId] = [];
rigData.components.forEach((componentData) => {
if (componentData.ID == 0) {
let componentInfo = new ComponentInfo(componentData.coords[0].x, componentData.coords[0].y, componentData.ID);
if (componentData.coords[1] != null) {
componentInfo.x2 = componentData.coords[1].x;
componentInfo.y2 = componentData.coords[1].y;
rigsInfo[rigId] = items;
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('rigsInfo', rigsInfo) : null;
} catch (error) {
console.log('[TornRigsLayoutSwitcher] No targets, skipping the script init', error);
if (rfcvUpdatedThisSession) {
return response;
if (!rfcvUpdatedThisSession){
let rfcvIdx = fetchUrl.indexOf(rfcvArg);
if (rfcvIdx >= 0){
rfcv = fetchUrl.substr(rfcvIdx + rfcvArg.length);
localStorage.setItem("silmaril-loadout-switcher-rfcv", rfcv);
document.querySelectorAll("div.silmaril-torn-rigs-layout-switcher-container button").forEach((button) => button.classList.remove("disabled"));
rfcvUpdatedThisSession = true;
return response;
if (isTampermonkeyEnabled){
unsafeWindow.fetch = customFetch;
} else {
window.fetch = customFetch;
const styles = `.wave-animation{position:relative;overflow:hidden}.wave{pointer-events:none;position:absolute;width:100%;height:33px;background-color:transparent;opacity:0;transform:translateX(-100%);animation:3s cubic-bezier(0,0,0,1) waveAnimation}@keyframes waveAnimation{0%{opacity:1;transform:translateX(-100%)}100%{opacity:0;transform:translateX(100%)}}`;
if (isTampermonkeyEnabled){
} else {
let style = document.createElement("style");
style.type = "text/css";
style.innerHTML = styles;
while (document.head == null){
await sleep(50);
const setLayoutUrl = "/page.php?sid=crimesData&step=prepare&rfcv={rfcv}";
const resetTemplate = `{"step":"resetRig","chassisID":{rig}}`;
const layoutTemplate = `{"step":"{step}","chassisID":{rig},"ID":{component},"coords":[{shortComponent}{longComponent}]}`;
const coordinatesTemplate = `{"x":{xCoordinate},"y":{yCoordinate}}`;
const add = 'add';
const remove = 'remove';
const componentIds = {
"eCPU": 1,
"CPU": 2,
"HPCPU": 3,
"Fan": 4,
"Water Block": 5,
"Heat Sink": 6,
"PSU": 7,
"None": 0
const observerTarget = document.querySelector("html");
const observerConfig = { attributes: false, childList: true, characterData: false, subtree: true };
const observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutationItem) {
if (mutationFound || panelAdded){
let mutation = mutationItem.target;
if (mutation.classList == "crime-root cracking-root" || mutation.querySelector('div[class*=rig___]')) {
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('MATCHED RIG', mutation.querySelector('div[class*=rig___]')) : null;
const rigDiv = mutation.querySelector('div[class*=rig___]');
if (rigDiv == null)
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('no rig found') : null;
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('Rig Found!') : null;
mutationFound = true;
const buttonContainer = document.createElement('div');
buttonContainer.className = 'silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-templates';
const waveDiv = document.createElement('div');
waveDiv.className = 'wave';
const spamButton = document.createElement('button');
spamButton.id = 'silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-spam-button';
spamButton.type = 'button';
spamButton.className = 'torn-btn non-deletable disabled';
spamButton.textContent = 'No layout chosen';
spamButton.addEventListener('click', async event => {
if (event.target.classList.contains('disabled')){
const poppedItems = requestsQueue.shift();
const urlToProcess = poppedItems[0];
const layoutUrl = poppedItems[1];
await sendSetLayoutRequest(urlToProcess, layoutUrl);
if (requestsQueue.length == 0) {
event.target.textContent = 'All requests completed!';
} else {
event.target.textContent = `Spam click ${requestsQueue.length} more times!`;
if (!panelAdded){
document.querySelector('div[class*=currentCrime___]').append(getRigChoices(), getLayoutActions(document.querySelector('div[class*=cracking-root]')), buttonContainer, spamButton);
panelAdded = true;
observer.observe(observerTarget, observerConfig);
function setScriptVersion() {
try {
if (isTampermonkeyEnabled) {
unsafeWindow.tornRigLayoutSwitcherVersion = GM_info.script.version;
} else {
window.tornRigLayoutSwitcherVersion = '0.5';
} catch (e) {
console.error('[TornRigsLayoutSwitcher] Failed to get script version!', e);
function checkCurrentSite() {
try {
const currentUrl = window.location.href;
const url = new URL(currentUrl);
const domain = url.hostname;
return domain.indexOf('torn.com') > 0;
} catch (e) {
console.error('[TornRigsLayoutSwitcher] Not Torn domain!', e);
return false;
function checkUrlForImport() {
try {
const importString = getUrlParameter('rig-import');
console.log('Initial value of rig-import:', importString);
if (importString === null || importString.length < 75) {
console.log('Updated URL:', window.location.href);
let rigsToImport = {};
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
let rigToImport = [];
for (let y = 0; y < 5; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x < 5; x++) {
const currentChar = importString[x + y * 5 + i * 25];
switch (currentChar){
case 'b':
case 'P':
case 'V':
console.log(`[${x},${y}] Empty Slot`, currentChar);
case 'e':
console.log(`[${x},${y}] eCPU`);
rigToImport.push({'x': x, 'y': y, 'item': 1});
case 'c':
console.log(`[${x},${y}] CPU`);
rigToImport.push({'x': x, 'y': y, 'item': 2});
case 'h':
console.log(`[${x},${y}] HPCPU`);
rigToImport.push({'x': x, 'y': y, 'item': 3});
case 'f':
console.log(`[${x},${y}] Fan`);
rigToImport.push({'x': x, 'y': y, 'item': 4});
case 'w':
console.log(`[${x},${y}] Water Block`);
rigToImport.push({'x': x, 'y': y, 'item': 5});
case 's':
console.log(`[${x},${y}] Heat Sink`);
rigToImport.push({'x': x, 'y': y, 'item': 6});
case 'p':
console.log(`[${x},${y}] PSU Horizontal`);
rigToImport.push({'x': x, 'y': y, 'item': 7, 'x2': x + 1, 'y2': y});
case 'v':
console.log(`[${x},${y}] PSU Vertical`);
rigToImport.push({'x': x, 'y': y, 'item': 7, 'x2': x, 'y2': y + 1});
console.log(`[${x},${y}] Unknown character`, currentChar);
if (rigToImport.length > 0) {
rigsToImport[`rig-case.${i}`] = rigToImport;
console.log('rigsToImport', rigsToImport);
catch (e) {
console.error('[TornRigsLayoutSwitcher] Failed to import from URL!', e);
function addEmptyAndLayoutButtons(root){
const empty = document.createElement('button');
empty.type = 'button';
empty.className = 'torn-btn non-deletable';
empty.textContent = 'Empty';
empty.setAttribute('data-action', 'remove');
empty.addEventListener('click', () => {handleLoadoutClick(root)});
function getRigChoices(){
const rigChoiceWrapper = document.createElement('ul');
rigChoiceWrapper.role = 'tablist';
rigChoiceWrapper.className = 'torn-tabs tabs-dark ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget-header ui-corner-all';
const rigChoice1 = document.createElement('li');
rigChoice1.id = 'silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-choice-1';
rigChoice1.role = 'button';
rigChoice1.ariaSelected = 'true';
rigChoice1.setAttribute('data-disable', '0');
rigChoice1.className = 'ui-state-default ui-corner-top ui-tabs-active ui-state-active';
rigChoice1.addEventListener('click', event => {
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('event', event) : null;
currentRig = 0;
let rig2 = document.getElementById('silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-choice-2');
let rig3 = document.getElementById('silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-choice-3');
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('currentRig', currentRig) : null;
const rigChoiceLink1 = document.createElement('a');
rigChoiceLink1.innerText = 'Chassis #1';
const rigChoice2 = document.createElement('li');
rigChoice2.id = 'silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-choice-2';
rigChoice2.role = 'button';
rigChoice2.ariaSelected = 'false';
rigChoice2.setAttribute('data-disable', '0');
rigChoice2.className = 'ui-state-default ui-corner-top';
rigChoice2.addEventListener('click', event => {
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('event', event) : null;
currentRig = 1;
let rig1 = document.getElementById('silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-choice-1');
let rig3 = document.getElementById('silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-choice-3');
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('currentRig', currentRig) : null;
const rigChoiceLink2 = document.createElement('a');
rigChoiceLink2.innerText = 'Chassis #2';
const rigChoice3 = document.createElement('li');
rigChoice3.id = 'silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-choice-3';
rigChoice3.role = 'button';
rigChoice3.ariaSelected = 'false';
rigChoice3.setAttribute('data-disable', '0');
rigChoice3.className = 'ui-state-default ui-corner-top';
rigChoice3.addEventListener('click', event => {
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('event', event) : null;
currentRig = 2;
let rig1 = document.getElementById('silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-choice-1');
let rig2 = document.getElementById('silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-choice-2');
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('currentRig', currentRig) : null;
const rigChoiceLink3 = document.createElement('a');
rigChoiceLink3.innerText = 'Chassis #3';
rigChoiceWrapper.append(rigChoice1, rigChoice2, rigChoice3);
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('rigChoiceWrapper', rigChoiceWrapper) : null;
return rigChoiceWrapper;
function getLayoutActions(root){
const actionsContainer = document.createElement('div');
actionsContainer.className = 'silmaril-torn-rigs-layout-switcher-container';
const saveCurrentLayout = document.createElement('button');
saveCurrentLayout.type = 'button';
saveCurrentLayout.className = 'torn-btn';
saveCurrentLayout.textContent = 'Save current layout';
saveCurrentLayout.addEventListener('click', () => {
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('save current layout') : null;
let userInput = prompt("Please enter a unique name for a layout (DO NOT USE COMMAS ',')" ?? '').toLowerCase();
if (userInput !== null && userInput.length > 0) {
rigLayouts = localStorage.getItem("silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-layouts") ?? "";
rigLayoutsArray = rigLayouts.split(',');
if (!rigLayoutsArray.includes(userInput)) {
rigLayouts = rigLayoutsArray.join(',');
localStorage.setItem("silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-layouts", rigLayouts);
localStorage.setItem(`silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-layout-${userInput}`, JSON.stringify(rigsInfo[currentRig], customReplacer));
root.querySelectorAll("div.silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-templates > button:not(.non-deletable)").forEach((item) => item.remove());
addLayoutButtons(root.querySelector('div[class*=currentCrime___] > div.silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-templates'));
} else {
console.error("[TornRigsLayoutSwitcher] User cancelled the layout naming input.");
const deleteLayout = document.createElement('button');
deleteLayout.type = 'button';
deleteLayout.className = 'torn-btn';
deleteLayout.textContent = 'Delete layout';
deleteLayout.addEventListener('click', () => {
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('delete layout') : null;
let userInput = prompt("Please enter a name of a layout to delete" ?? '').toLowerCase();
if (userInput !== null && userInput.length > 0) {
rigLayouts = localStorage.getItem("silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-layouts") ?? "";
rigLayoutsArray = rigLayouts.split(',');
rigLayoutsArray = rigLayoutsArray.filter(item => item !== userInput);
rigLayouts = rigLayoutsArray.join(',');
localStorage.setItem("silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-layouts", rigLayouts);
root.querySelectorAll("div.silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-templates > button:not(.non-deletable)").forEach((item) => item.remove());
addLayoutButtons(root.querySelector('div[class*=currentCrime___] > div.silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-templates'));
} else {
console.error("[TornRigsLayoutSwitcher] User cancelled the layout naming input.");
const disableRig = document.createElement('button');
disableRig.type = 'button';
disableRig.className = 'torn-btn';
disableRig.textContent = 'Disable rig';
disableRig.addEventListener('click', () => {
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('disable rig') : null;
saveSetLayoutRequestsToQueue(remove, 0, rigsInfo[0].filter(x => x.item === componentIds.PSU), null);
saveSetLayoutRequestsToQueue(remove, 1, rigsInfo[1].filter(x => x.item === componentIds.PSU), null, false);
saveSetLayoutRequestsToQueue(remove, 2, rigsInfo[2].filter(x => x.item === componentIds.PSU), null, false);
const exportAllLayouts = document.createElement('button');
exportAllLayouts.type = 'button';
exportAllLayouts.className = 'torn-btn';
exportAllLayouts.textContent = 'Export all layouts';
exportAllLayouts.addEventListener('click', () => {
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('export all layouts') : null;
rigLayouts = localStorage.getItem("silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-layouts") ?? "";
rigLayoutsArray = rigLayouts.split(',');
let allLayoutsToExport = {};
rigLayoutsArray.forEach((layoutName) => {
if (layoutName == ''){
try {
const layoutInfo = localStorage.getItem(`silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-layout-${layoutName}`);
IS_DEBUG ? console.log(`layout ${layoutName}`, layoutInfo) : null;
allLayoutsToExport[layoutName] = JSON.parse(layoutInfo);
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('allLayoutsToExport step', allLayoutsToExport) : null;
} catch (e) {
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('allLayoutsToExport final', allLayoutsToExport) : null;
const allLayoutsToExportRaw = JSON.stringify(allLayoutsToExport, customReplacer);
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('allLayoutsToExport stringify', allLayoutsToExportRaw) : null;
prompt('Copy the text below & share it with friends!', allLayoutsToExportRaw);
const exportLayout = document.createElement('button');
exportLayout.type = 'button';
exportLayout.className = 'torn-btn';
exportLayout.textContent = 'Export layout';
exportLayout.addEventListener('click', () => {
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('export layout') : null;
let userInput = prompt("Please enter a name of a layout to export" ?? '').toLowerCase();
if (userInput !== null && userInput.length > 0) {
let layoutToExport = {};
try {
const layoutInfo = localStorage.getItem(`silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-layout-${userInput}`);
if (layoutInfo == null) {
console.log('[TornRigsLayoutSwitcher] No layout with this name!', userInput);
IS_DEBUG ? console.log(`layout ${userInput}`, layoutInfo) : null;
layoutToExport[userInput] = JSON.parse(layoutInfo);
} catch (e) {
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('layoutToExport final', layoutToExport) : null;
const layoutToExportRaw = JSON.stringify(layoutToExport, customReplacer);
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('layoutToExport stringify', layoutToExportRaw) : null;
prompt('Copy the text below & share it with friends!', layoutToExportRaw);
} else {
console.error("[TornRigsLayoutSwitcher] User cancelled the layout naming input.");
const importLayouts = document.createElement('button');
importLayouts.type = 'button';
importLayouts.className = 'torn-btn';
importLayouts.textContent = 'Import layouts';
importLayouts.addEventListener('click', () => {
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('save current layout') : null;
let userInput = prompt("Please copy-paste the string which has been shared with you" ?? '').toLowerCase();
if (userInput !== null && userInput.length > 0) {
try {
const allLayoutsToImport = JSON.parse(userInput);
catch (e) {
root.querySelectorAll("div.silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-templates > button:not(.non-deletable)").forEach((item) => item.remove());
addLayoutButtons(root.querySelector('div[class*=currentCrime___] > div.silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-templates'));
} else {
console.error("[TornRigsLayoutSwitcher] User cancelled the layout naming input.");
actionsContainer.append(saveCurrentLayout, deleteLayout, disableRig, exportAllLayouts, exportLayout, importLayouts);
return actionsContainer;
async function addLayoutButtons(root){
rigLayoutsArray.forEach((layout) => {
if (layout == ''){
const button = document.createElement('button');
button.type = 'button';
button.className = rfcv === null ? 'torn-btn disabled' : 'torn-btn';
button.textContent = layout;
button.setAttribute('data-action', 'add');
button.addEventListener('click', () => {handleLoadoutClick(root, layout)});
function importLayout(allLayoutsToImport) {
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('allLayoutsToImport', allLayoutsToImport) : null;
const allLayoutNamesToImport = Object.keys(allLayoutsToImport);
rigLayouts = localStorage.getItem("silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-layouts") ?? "";
rigLayoutsArray = rigLayouts.split(',');
allLayoutNamesToImport.forEach((layoutName) => {
if (layoutName == ''){
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('layoutName', layoutName) : null;
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('layout', allLayoutsToImport[layoutName]) : null;
try {
if (!rigLayoutsArray.includes(layoutName)) {
localStorage.setItem(`silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-layout-${layoutName}`, JSON.stringify(allLayoutsToImport[layoutName], customReplacer));
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('layougetLayout', localStorage.getItem(`silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-layout-${layoutName}`)) : null;
} catch (e) {
console.error("[TornRigsLayoutSwitcher] Error while importing Layout", e);
rigLayouts = rigLayoutsArray.join(',');
localStorage.setItem("silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-layouts", rigLayouts);
async function handleLoadoutClick(root, layoutName = null){
let action = event.target.getAttribute('data-action');
if (event.target.classList.contains('disabled')){
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('rigsInfo', rigsInfo) : null;
let currentLayout = rigsInfo[currentRig];
currentLayout.forEach(cell => {
if (cell.x2 != null && cell.y2 != null) {
// Swap the values
if (cell.x == cell.x2 && cell.y > cell.y2) {
cell.y2 = [cell.y, cell.y = cell.y2][0];
if (cell.y == cell.y2 && cell.x > cell.x2) {
cell.x2 = [cell.x, cell.x = cell.x2][0];
let layoutItemsToBeRemoved = [];
let layoutItemsToBeAdded = [];
if (layoutName == null) {
let resetRig = new ComponentInfo();
resetRig.action = 'resetRig';
action = 'resetRig';
} else {
let newLayout = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(`silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-layout-${layoutName}`));
newLayout.forEach(cell => {
if (cell.x2 != null && cell.y2 != null) {
// Swap the values
if (cell.x == cell.x2 && cell.y > cell.y2) {
cell.y2 = [cell.y, cell.y = cell.y2][0];
if (cell.y == cell.y2 && cell.x > cell.x2) {
cell.x2 = [cell.x, cell.x = cell.x2][0];
for (let x = 0; x < 5; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < 5; y++) {
let currentCell = currentLayout.filter(cell => cell.x == x && cell.y == y);
let newCell = newLayout.filter(cell => cell.x == x && cell.y == y);
if (currentCell.length == 0) {
if (newCell.length == 0) {
IS_DEBUG ? console.log(`[${x},${y}] no cells, no conflict`) : null;
} else {
IS_DEBUG ? console.log(`[${x},${y}] adding new cell`) : null;
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('newCell[0]', newCell[0]) : null;
let clonedCell = newCell[0];
clonedCell.action = 'add';
} else {
if (newCell.length == 0) {
IS_DEBUG ? console.log(`[${x},${y}] removing old cell`) : null;
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('currentCell[0]', currentCell[0]) : null;
let clonedCell = currentCell[0];
clonedCell.action = 'remove';
} else {
IS_DEBUG ? console.log(`[${x},${y}] comparing cells`) : null;
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('currentCell[0]', currentCell[0]) : null;
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('newCell[0]', newCell[0]) : null;
if (currentCell[0].item == newCell[0].item && currentCell[0].x2 == newCell[0].x2 && currentCell[0].y2 == newCell[0].y2) {
IS_DEBUG ? console.log(`[${x},${y}] same cells, no conflict`) : null;
} else {
IS_DEBUG ? console.log(`[${x},${y}] diff cells, remove & add`) : null;
let oldClonedCell = currentCell[0];
oldClonedCell.action = 'remove';
let newClonedCell = newCell[0];
newClonedCell.action = 'add';
const layoutItems = [...layoutItemsToBeRemoved, ...layoutItemsToBeAdded];
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('currentLayout', currentLayout) : null;
IS_DEBUG ? console.log('layoutItems', layoutItems) : null;
await saveSetLayoutRequestsToQueue(action, currentRig, layoutItems, root);
function saveSetLayoutRequestsToQueue(action, rig, items, root, resetQueue = true){
// console.log('items', items);
if (resetQueue) {
requestsQueue = [];
const urlWithRfcv = setLayoutUrl.replace("{rfcv}", rfcv);
if (action == 'resetRig') {
const layoutUrl = resetTemplate.replace("{rig}", rig);
const url = urlWithRfcv.replace("{layout}", layoutUrl);
requestsQueue.push([url, layoutUrl]);
} else {
items.forEach((item) => {
const coordinates = coordinatesTemplate.replace("{xCoordinate}", item.x).replace("{yCoordinate}", item.y);
let layoutUrl2 = layoutTemplate.replace("{step}", item.action === null ? action : item.action).replace("{rig}", rig).replace("{component}", item.item).replace("{shortComponent}", coordinates);
let layoutUrl;
if (item.x2 != null) {
const coordinatesLong = coordinatesTemplate.replace("{xCoordinate}", item.x2).replace("{yCoordinate}", item.y2);
layoutUrl = layoutUrl2.replace("{longComponent}", `,${coordinatesLong}`);
} else {
layoutUrl = layoutUrl2.replace("{longComponent}", "");
const url = urlWithRfcv.replace("{layout}", layoutUrl);
requestsQueue.push([url, layoutUrl]);
let spamButton = document.getElementById('silmaril-rigs-layout-switcher-spam-button');
spamButton.textContent = `Spam click ${requestsQueue.length} more times!`;
async function sendSetLayoutRequest(url, layoutItems){
let formData = new FormData();
formData.append('typeID', 10);
formData.append('crimeID', 204);
formData.append('value1', encodeURIComponent(layoutItems));
await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
body: formData
.then(response => {
if (response.ok) {
// console.log('component change request OK');
} else {
console.error("[TornRigsLayoutSwitcher] Set Layout request failed:", response);
.catch(error => {
console.error("[TornRigsLayoutSwitcher] Error setting Layout:", error);
function customReplacer(key, value) {
// Omit properties with null values or specific strings
if (value === null || value === 'add' || value === 'remove' || value === 'move') {
return undefined;
return value;
// Function to get the value of a URL parameter by name
function getUrlParameter(name) {
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
return urlParams.get(name);
// Function to remove a URL parameter by name
function removeUrlParameter(name) {
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
const searchParamsString = urlParams.toString();
// Handle the presence of a fragment identifier
const hash = window.location.hash;
// Create the updated URL
const newUrl = window.location.pathname + (searchParamsString ? '?' + searchParamsString : '') + hash;
// Replace the current state to update the URL without triggering a page reload
history.replaceState({}, document.title, newUrl);
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));