Automatically views all PTC ads and Rotate websites
< 脚本Vie Faucet Website Rotator . Auto PTC, Auto Faucet & Auto Shortlinks Support的反馈
you need antibot links solver for faucet and would need to adjust your solvers to claim the faucet properly as the antibot links solver usually solves after the captcha which will cause it to fail , anti bot links does not work all of the time , there are challenges that cannot be solved , this is exactly why i didnt put this in the script , but there are people that are requesting this feature , script is origianlly designed to rotate the ptc only , shortlinks and faucet are optional with no redirect , there are some pages the redirect ptc to the faucet , i used to have a redirect that would fix this but if there are people that want to use the faucet this becomes an issue. i'll try to figure something out eventually , but if i get to many complaints i will remove faucet support as this was not intended for this script
Hi, thanks for responding. I am new so after a while using your script I have understand more how actually it's working. There some few questions I would like to ask.
1. If I am at viefaucet PTC and the script is doing its job. Sometime PTC can't be view all so I change my tab to to do faucet. Suddenly new tab is open and it trace back to script still doing viefaucet PTC although I already change tab. Is this correct?
2. Can you check on PTC, when script open PTC and in middle timer, it suddenly back out to PTC and then view same PTC again.
3. I just know that I can click the Rotation menu and if click Shortlinks or faucet it will do that respectively as you mention is optional and these I think should be good. But what is recaptcha, hcaptcha and moon captcha link to? When I press it point me to some kind of Shortlinks.
4. Just my suggestion, can you make the rotate to ptc for all site optional? I mean maybe add menu in rotation (PTC and PTC Auto). For PTC if we select it will only do PTC for current site I am viewing after that it will stop. While for PTC Auto, it will either do from current site I am viewing then after finished it will start rotate other site on list or you may start from first list. As if we want to use PTC Auto we will open new tab just for rotation. So, our tabs currently opened is not effected.
Sorry for too many words.
1. viefaucet has a image captcha that i have no solution for , so it wont be able to solve only clicks the buttons. i had problems making it switch to other tab so its not implemented yet. i'll have to check out that issue , faucets usually do weird stuff and redirect to other pages so i was reluctant to add faucet support lol , i will look into this.
2. coinpayz and a few similar sites that uses mooncaptcha has upgraded it so it no longer works with the script. i may have to remove these from the script
3. those are for the ptc as this was originally a ptc only script , there is a long list of hcaptcha and recaptcha sites , mooncaptcha is sites like coinpayz with the image captcha. the reason i did it this way is because i mainly use hcaptcha solver , i tend to leave recaptcha alone as i dont have one that works properly. so i will usually just run all the hcaptcha sites , but if people have a good recaptcha solver , they can grab the others
you can remove the sites by removing the website name from
// @include
and removing the line in ptcLinks array.
note you will have to replace the website link to another site to the links before and after so the links redirect and rotate the way you want too. but what i might do is add another link to the menu "Custom" and i'll make part of the script easy to edit so you all can customize your own rotation
Thanks for the feedback , it was very informative.
Hi thanks for your time respond to this.
1. For it's not a major problem because while testing your script I manually solve the image captcha as long I act fast enough. For faucet support you said optional and it is great option for user to have. I hope it won't get removed. ☺
2. I see, no wonder it not working. By the way, instead of removing it can you make the behavior like PTC it will go through all until timer asking for image captcha solve then user manually solve it? If possible.
3. Ok, I understand this script is mainly purpose to automated without user intervention. I though it as semi-auto is possible where this script help me click most the tedious part and I just work to solve captcha because some user may have limited automated hcaptcha solver and some user using Buster to solve recaptcha which required manual press but work really great. So, this script might ease the burden. To browse through all button press.
Again thanks for releasing this script and keep it updated.
eventually with time i will make adjustments for the faucet part of the script ,also want to bypass shortlinks that are buggy because they messup sometimes and cause loops , i also want to add auto withdraw and offerwalls , but i been busy keeping everything else updated , so it will come but in time. may have to make a ui , so i'll have to start working on that , im glad i could help
Hi, it work but can you make that don't rotate?
Like not all member will use all the faucet. So, maybe detect in current link only run respective script?
Example I am in faucet page if it doesn't do anything don't change to surf or view link. This make us very hard to claim faucet if we want to do it. Thanks