Vie Faucet Website Rotator . Auto PTC, Auto Faucet & Auto Shortlinks Support

Automatically views all PTC ads and Rotate websites

< 脚本Vie Faucet Website Rotator . Auto PTC, Auto Faucet & Auto Shortlinks Support的反馈

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Hi, on Viefaucet its only walk through Windows tab PTC and cand do an Iframe PTC ones. can you fix that please? Thank you


my apologies , this wasnt supposed to be in script i forgot to take it out , viefaucet is actually different from the rest of websites in this script, the captcha is also different and i dont have a solver solution yet.

I'll implement this for you on the next update , thank you for pointing this out


my apologies , this wasnt supposed to be in script i forgot to take it out , viefaucet is actually different from the rest of websites in this script, the captcha is also different and i dont have a solver solution yet.

I'll implement this for you on the next update , thank you for pointing this out

Thanks alot.


the iframe tab is being abit troublesome , sorry for not fixing this issue yet, but still working on it , i have other updates as well , so if i dont fix it this update , i will in the future , sorry for the inconvenience


No problem my friend, some things its hard to do. if you find the way let as know. thanks for your time. :D


hey sorry for late response , i started working on it , but still have not figured out how to get it done without errors and messing up the flow of the script , i have not forgotten you , just keeping you updated , thanks for being patient with me

